Most you are dumb related news are at:

Pre-Weekend Update 24 Aug 2013 | 06:19 am
Memo to a bunch of you: YOU ARE STILL DUMB. Update time! A lot of recent columns have had even recenter developments, and this is as good a time as any, and better than most, to recap and revisit rec...
Not Like The Other 23 Aug 2013 | 06:57 am
Memo to Allen West and Fox News: NOOOOOOPE. Few things in this world are funnier or sadder than the Republican Revenge Scandal. The classic example of RRS is the phrase "Obama's Katrina". See, Bush f...
More you are dumb related news:
Funny Sayings Page 19 2 Dec 2009 | 08:22 pm
You see a lot of smart guys with dumb women, but you hardly ever see a smart woman with a dumb guy. Erica Jong Beer makes you feel the way you ought to feel without beer. Henry Lawson I don't know h...
Krissy Lynn and Aliz filled to the rim 7 Feb 2010 | 03:54 am
Two dumb young teens take on 4 huge black cocks. As you can see they get stuffed pretty good. Just wait til you see these two whores get their tight pussies and assholes fucked by these four huge blac...
CitiBank hacked – dumb developers, dumber security consultants 15 Jun 2011 | 04:40 am
This makes me bang my head on the desk In the Citi breach, the data thieves were able to penetrate the bank’s defenses by first logging on to the site reserved for its credit card customers. Once in...
5 Cool Android Apps for Your Tablet 2 Dec 2011 | 09:49 pm
Sticky Bookmarks Tablet Widget Your Android is a powerful machine, but sometimes it seems like its brain is more powerful than yours is. If you ever feel dumb compared to your tablet, the easy answer ...
Dumb Bitch Saw Me Taping And Got Kinky 26 Jun 2010 | 04:59 am
I got her to start sucking my dick and even fuck the shit out of me while I taped the whole thing.
Comment Away, Boys! 23 Apr 2010 | 05:46 am
I have been spending an inordinate amount of time just doing dumb shit to this site for weeks now, and I've finally found a commenting system that doesn't break my URLs! So, there is now commenting av...
云时代的信息安全问题(2)-GPU计算能力带来的挑战 13 Jun 2011 | 03:14 pm
GPU强大的并行计算能力,直接导致了一个令人意外的后果,就是普通电脑的解密能力得到了极大的加强,以至于传统的依赖密码加密的方式可能不再有效了。 通过暴力穷举所有密码组合的方式,属于算法极其简单,计算重复度极高的破解方式。特别适合GPU这样的"Dumb CPU"进行处理。一个GPU上千个计算核心,完全可以顶的上千个CPU的计算能力。 一个长度为7的传统高强度密码,例如"FV&",GPU只...
The urologists are frequently called for approximately penis stretching 29 Nov 2011 | 04:34 am
The urologists are frequently called for approximately penis stretching. Men tell them that effort to stretch their penises. Patients decide to adulterate their penises downward along applying dumb-be...
Auto Finance – How to Get It 25 Aug 2011 | 09:52 am
Nailing a car buying deal is not a job for dumb. Smartness, alertness, understanding and knowledge are very important to best auto loans. In the process of auto finance, you get a car on auto loan. Th...
umm…phew. 23 Feb 2011 | 06:48 am
you guys. i got into grad school. off to do my happy dance. and by that i mean sit on the couch and stare off into space with a stupid grin on my face while i freak out about being too dumb for grad...