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YAL's First Presence at CCU: Freedom is Popular 27 Aug 2013 | 02:19 am
YAL at Coastal Carolina University participated in our first club recruitment day last Wednesday. We spent many hours gathering supplies, delivering fliers, and preparing candy to make a good impressi...
Recruitment Drive: YAL at University of Central Arkansas 27 Aug 2013 | 01:47 am
We had an extremely successful Recruitment Drive here at the University of Central Arkansas. We had a table at our campus' club fair (Conway Daze) which was on Wednesday, August 21. We got over 180 si...
More young americans for liberty related news:
On being part of the problem 30 Aug 2009 | 06:43 am
Matt Cockerill at the Young Americans for Liberty blog wants to know why there aren’t more libertarian women. By which he apparently means that he wants to know why more women don’t read his own perso...
Taking Aim at Anti-Gun Laws 5 Feb 2013 | 03:43 am
Gainesville, FL—The Santa Fe College Young Americans for Liberty held a pro-gun protest today, February 4th, in the Oak Grove at the heart of campus from 9 AM – 1 PM. These students have made their st...
Always Be Closing: More Experience in Tabling 4 Feb 2013 | 08:53 pm
Learning how to properly table with limited resources has been an experience. The first two tables for University of Arkansas at Little Rock Young Americans for Liberty were crude and amateur at best....
Nullification Screening @ UCLA 3 Feb 2013 | 09:53 pm
Young Americans for Liberty @ UCLA hosted a premiere of the documentary Nullification followed by a Q & A with the 10th Amendment Center's Executive Director Michael Boldin. It was a really exciting ...
Southeastern YAL Rings in the New Semester with Barbecue and Liberty 24 Aug 2013 | 03:56 am
Young Americans for Liberty at Southeastern Louisiana University hosted a beginning-of-semester event this past weekend with "Wingin' It for Liberty," a free barbecue and informational event at the So...
Temple University: Welcome Week 22 Aug 2013 | 09:24 pm
Young Americans for Liberty had an excellent day of recruitment alongside Students For Liberty on the first day of Welcome Week at Temple University yesterday! There was an exponential increase of .....
Southeastern YAL Rings in the New Semester with Barbecue and Liberty 24 Aug 2013 | 03:56 am
Young Americans for Liberty at Southeastern Louisiana University hosted a beginning-of-semester event this past weekend with "Wingin' It for Liberty," a free barbecue and informational event at the So...
Temple University: Welcome Week 22 Aug 2013 | 09:24 pm
Young Americans for Liberty had an excellent day of recruitment alongside Students For Liberty on the first day of Welcome Week at Temple University yesterday! There was an exponential increase of .....
Young Americans for Liberty talk sensible drug policy 5 Aug 2013 | 06:00 pm
As the Vice President of my university’s Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) chapter, I had the distinct pleasure of attending several portions of the YAL National Convention this week in Washington, DC...
Roger Braybrook is attending AMERICAN GUESSER's event 27 Aug 2013 | 04:01 am
Roger Braybrook is attending AMERICAN GUESSER's event Campaign for Liberty/ Young Americans for Liberty Hog Roast at Wahlfield Park September 14, 2013 from 12pm to 8pm Mark your calendars for Satur...