Most zend framework form related news are at:
Shahar Evron: Generating ZF Autoloader Classmaps with Phing 22 Feb 2012 | 04:50 am
Shahar has posted a new article about how to generate ZF2 autoloader classmaps with phing. As the ZF2 classmap autoloader is quicker than the standard autoloader, this can be a benefit in production, ...
Florian Eibeck: Zend Framework application.ini cheat sheet 2 Feb 2012 | 12:06 am
Florian Eibeck has put up a Zend Framework 1 application.ini file on GitHub that lists every configuration option available for Zend_Application and associated bootstrap resources. Very useful. Thank...
More zend framework form related news:
David Papadogiannakis: HTML5 Zend Framework form elements 16 Dec 2010 | 01:32 am
David Papadogiannakis has posted a new article on the new features for forms with HTML5 and how it applies to Zend Framework’s Zend_Form component. HTML4 had a few different input elements that could...
Zend Framework Form: A simple but complete Zend_Form sample/tutorial 27 Jun 2009 | 10:58 pm
“A sample application can be found here“. Sorry this blog is deprecated. “Please read complete tutorial here.” I got “...
Zend Framework 1 and jQuery Validate Plugin: how to create password/confirm easily in Zend_Form 16 Jul 2013 | 05:39 pm
Perhaps this trend is going away, but it used to be a “good thing” to make people validate their passwords. I did all kinds of silly things in Zend Framework Form and jQuery Validate plugin at first –...
Zend Framework ile WordPress entegrasyonu 18 Apr 2012 | 06:45 am
WordPress tabanlı web sitelerinin karmaşık özelliklerini geliştirmek çok fazla zamanınızı alabilir. Eğer düzenli olarak Zend Framework kullanan biriyseniz, Zend Framework’ü WordPress tabanlı web siten...
Zend Framework 1.10.0 正式推出 28 Jan 2010 | 12:15 am
Zend Framework 1.10.0 正式推出 從這個版本開始,文件重新進行組織,過去每個元件分別是手冊的一個章節,那些章節還是存在,不過移到了 "Reference Guide" 區域,現在加入了一個新的區域,名稱為 "Learning Zend Framework," ,包含許多使用元件的教學,當然也有過去快速上手的部份。剛開始我們只有提供 9 個教學,包含進階的版面控制、搜尋與分頁等...
Zend Framework Development Company India - PHP Zend Developer 3 Jan 2011 | 10:49 pm
India PHP Expert a Zend development company India offers zend framework application development. Our php zend developer offers highly scalable, flexible and secure project development.
Ecommerce Shopping Cart Development 3 Jan 2011 | 10:49 pm
India PHP Expert a Zend development company India offers zend framework application development. Our php zend developer offers highly scalable, flexible and secure project development.
Zend Framework 1.0.0 31 Aug 2007 | 10:16 pm
Po ponad roku prac nareszcie dostępna jest pierwsza stabilna wersje Zend Frameworka.
Captcha o Código Anti-Spam en Zend Framework 6 Feb 2011 | 10:59 am
Para los que no sepan qué es el código Anti-Spam, comentar que es la imagen que aparece en algunos formularios y que contiene una serie de caracteres que debemos introducir antes de realizar el envío ...
Web Services con Zend Framework 9 Dec 2010 | 12:06 am
A la hora de desarrollar web services, tenemos que tener en cuenta que habrá una parte de código de servidor y otra parte de código de cliente, aunque si somos la parte que define el web service no no...