Most Linux Netrunner Mirrors related news are at:

Netrunner SE Prototype 11 Aug 2013 | 01:20 am
The Netrunner Team releases the first prototype of Netrunner SE 13.06. SE stands for Stealth Edition as this version of Netrunner is shipped with privacy and security in mind. This means that you are ...
Homerun 1.1 released 16 Jul 2013 | 11:30 pm
Homerun 1.1 got released and is ready for update in Netrunner 13.06 repositories. Also, deb packages are here: A video showing Homerun 1.1 in action:...
More Linux Netrunner Mirrors related news:
關於 Scientific Linux 的 Mirror 24 Oct 2006 | 01:08 pm
CLE 是 Scientific Linux 的 Official Mirror Sites 之一 Scientific Linux 是 based on RHEL 而生出來的,跟 CentOS 是類似的計畫 都是拿 RHEL 的 scource rpms 來 rebuild 的 要使用 CLE 上的 Scientific Linux Mirror,Yum repository 的設定請參考...
CLE 上的 Frugalware Linux Mirror 17 May 2006 | 10:39 pm
Frugalware Linux is general purpose linux distribution, designed for intermediate users (who are not afraid of text mode). 前一陣子 Frugalware Linux 的開發者寫信給我,希望在亞洲也能有 Frugalware Linux 的 Mirror Site 因此,我...
Ubuntu 11.04 Malaysia source list example 29 Oct 2011 | 03:38 am
ubuntu-1104 For those having server or desktop build from Ubuntu Linux. Below are what location to choose after installation. Usually it needs to sourced from nearest Ubuntu mirror server/repo to yo...
Linux x64 Cuda Multibeam (x41g) 29 Dec 2011 | 09:37 pm
Linux x64 build of Cuda Multibeam x41g Available now in the Multibeam for Linux Downloads section, mirrored at Arkayn's Site This build is directly from the X-branch, so changes from other prior...
iptables mirror target for linux kernel 3.3 30 Mar 2012 | 12:22 am
After my last kernel upgrade I tried to build the iptables mirror target published here. The iptables mirror target takes the packet sent to your machine and returns the same packet to the machine the...
How To Use Windows 8′s Storage Spaces To Mirror & Combine Drives 18 Apr 2012 | 10:23 pm
One of the surprising features in Windows 8 is Storage Spaces that works much similar to LVM on Linux or RAID. Through this feature, you can create bigger storage pools than the physical ones availabl...
CLE 主機上的 fedora mirror 17 May 2006 | 10:59 pm
目前 CLE 主機上 Fedora Core Linux Mirror 的方式及架構整理如下: ISOs 部份: 放置於 底下 Yum Repository 部份: [core] [updates] ftp://cle....
Mandriva Linux Mirror Repository List 6 Jan 2011 | 12:43 pm
Step 1: Install Editor Eclipse + Android SDK di Linux 18 Jan 2011 | 09:53 pm
Cara yang saya lakukan di bawah ini adalah cara yang tidak lazim dilakukan, ini hanya untuk menyiasati download yang sangat lambat ke mirror Android walaupun bandwidth Anda besar. Tutorial versi googl...
Linux Mint 12 30 Nov 2011 | 01:16 am
Linux Mint 12 “Lisa” is beskikbaar op host nou ook mirror.