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Get Youtube Video Channel RSS Feed URL in 2 Seconds! 27 Mar 2012 | 12:46 am
Another quick entry, courtesy this guy - I was looking for the RSS feed of one of my Youtube Channels but well, lets just say couldn't find it on Youtube. So of course I google it, and this guy Rick ...
BRAIN - MACHINE INTERFACE - seminar topics for electrical engineering 10 Feb 2012 | 12:18 am
A Brain-Machine interface is an attempt to mesh our minds with machines. It is a communication channel from a humans brain to a computer. Our approach bases on as artificial neural network that reco...
Text Ex Girlfriend – How to Do It to Get A Response 8 May 2012 | 12:55 pm
Do you want to text ex-girlfriend? You may be wondering if texting your ex is something you should do. Texting can actually be a great way to open up the communication channels. Here are some tips to...
Make money from YouTube 10 Apr 2012 | 01:05 pm
Where Do I Get Money Make money from YouTube To earn from YouTube you have to know about- YouTube Partnerships, Qualifications & FAQ, YouTube Community Guidelines, Terms of Use. Now, after kno....
RescueMe Now – Enable/Disable options 4 Apr 2012 | 06:38 am
Enable/disable functions You have the option to enable or disable sending alarm messages by using different communication channels. When the SMS (text) option is dimmed, we are not able to send SMS ...
The collection of video interviews done at GC… talk about these with your wors… 11 May 2012 | 08:20 am
The collection of video interviews done at GC... talk about these with your worship team!
YouTube: Why it’s So Popular 6 May 2012 | 05:04 am
Do you enjoy using the internet as a source of entertainment? If you do, there is a good chance that you know what YouTube is. In fact, you may even be an active member of the YouTube community, as mi...
Web Sockets in Tornado 1 Jan 2010 | 09:34 am
I have been playing around with HTML 5 Web Sockets for a personal project. The Web Sockets API enables web browsers to maintain a bi-directional communication channel to a server, which in turn makes ...
Mystery Guitar Man's Epic Symphony 27 Sep 2011 | 01:17 am
Everyone knows that I've been impressed by Mystery Guitar Man's creativity for quite some time now. This time he pushed the envelope even further by involving the YouTube community at large. He put ou...
Buy Youtube Views 17 Feb 2012 | 10:39 pm
How to get lots of hits on youtube? Buy YouTube Views, Channel Views, Ratings, Subscribers, Favorite at Swift Traffic. YouTube Videos is one of the fastest way promote your online business. We bring R...