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BlackBerry Now Filled with a World of Goo 30 Jan 2013 | 08:36 am
World of Goo Corporation is delighted to announce the arrival of World of Goo on BlackBerry 10 devices, available now. “With this release, World of Goo is now available on 99.997% of all mobile device...
Hi! I Am 4 Years Old Today! 13 Oct 2012 | 08:00 am
Hello everyone, this is World of Goo! I live in San Francisco and I’m 4 years old today. In video-game years, 4 years is more like 60 human years, but I’m told that my bits haven’t changed at all, a...
World of Goo Speedrun in 31 Minutes 17 Aug 2012 | 03:43 pm
World of Goo speed run in 31 MINUTES, made possible by cyborgs. Perhaps someone can explain this better than me, but here’s how I think this works: A bright young fan of World of Goo turned on their N...
Humble Bundle for Android! 1 Feb 2012 | 08:35 am
World of Goo is part of the first ever Humble Bundle for Android, along with three other games we love: Edge, Osmos, and Anomaly. You can get the bundle by clicking the purchase button above or from t...
One Million Downloads! 10 Jan 2012 | 03:13 pm
World of Goo was released on iOS a little over a year ago, and some time in the wee hours of last night, someone was the millionth person to buy World of Goo on the App Store. Whoever you are, we wis...