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My 54 daily sources in Entrepreneurship/Tech/Internet/Innovation. What are yours? 6 Aug 2013 | 02:50 pm
Here is my list of 54 daily news sources in english regarding Entrepreneurship/Tech/Internet/Innovation What are yours? – <outline text=”Entrepreneurship Tech Internet Innovation”> <outline text=”.net...
Recommendation is about trust. Trust the data, not the math. 17 Jul 2013 | 06:52 pm
Recommendation has been there for quite a long time on e-commerce, ad-targeting, discovery and recommendation applications for TV, Books, Restaurants, Video Games… And it has been often based on the s...
4 règles simples sur l’expérience utilisateur/client 5 Mar 2013 | 10:49 pm
Les critiques sont toujours faciles quand il s’agit d’expérience utilisateur/client. C’est que l’exercice est compliqué mais il me semble qu’il y a certaines règles auxquelles on ne peut déroger: 1) I...
KPIs are one of the first things entrepreneurs should learn 25 Sep 2012 | 05:08 am
Every single entrepreneur will tell you he knows about KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and more generally Key Numbers. The fact is that often he wont understand or figure out soon enough what it is ...
Tu fais quoi ? Je suis leveur ! 30 May 2012 | 04:36 am
Tu fais quoi ? Leveur de fonds Super, t’es un sportif ! Mais non, enfin si c’est du sport, mais je ne suis pas leveur de fonte, leveur de fonds ! Ah j’ai compris, tu fais du social, de l’humanitaire. ...
Hackaton: 2 semaines pour sauver la France ! 23 Apr 2012 | 08:20 pm
Elle me gonfle cette élection ! Aucun programme ne s’affronte. C’est un vulgaire combat de kekette dans lequel chacun envisage l’écriture de la prochaine ligne de sa biblio sur Wikipédia: Ministre de…...
Bref, j’ai 3 trucs à dire super important aux startups 21 Dec 2011 | 11:01 pm
A chaque trajet utilisant Uber (tu connais pas ?!), je multiplie les interrogations aux chauffeurs pour comprendre ce qui se cache derrière cette triviale application et superbe exécution. Et puis nat...
The 5 reasons why you should stop writing this kind of post titles ! 22 Nov 2011 | 06:08 am
#givemeabreak – I’m fed with all those | “Why you should…” | “the 10 reasons why…” | “five signs you’re…” | COME ON ! 3 ways you can use… 10 reasons why it is so cool to… 7 plugins that make… 5 rules ...
Being “Fast” Versus Being “Great” 2 Nov 2011 | 02:43 am
This post is an echo to an article published on techcrunch that I really liked: Being “first” versus being “best”. Well, i just realized there is another thing that we’ve learnt with Groupon’s turmoil...
Weekly Digest for September 23rd 23 Sep 2011 | 08:30 pm
Published Le RePro3D vous permet de toucher des personnages 3D. Published Google Chrome OS Not Just Cloud Computing – Using Apps Offline. Published 7 Tips for Designing a Successful Photo Contest. Pub...