365funnyvideos - 365funnyvideos.com - YouTube Explorer - Download And Watch YouTube Movies Like Crazy!
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1-click YouTube Downloader has been updated to V14.0 1 Jun 2013 | 05:29 pm
This time YouTube did not change anything. I just update the version to add more function to make the software more useful. Click http://rapidferret.com/1-click-youtube-downloader/ to download. This n...
1-click YouTube Downloader V13.0 Released- Supports New Youtube Change 10 May 2013 | 08:35 am
Youtube changed its code again. This new version works. Plus, I add some code to make thumbnails preview in search function. It’s easier to use right now. Enjoy! Click the link below to download the n...
1-click YouTube Downloader has been updated to V12.0 1 May 2013 | 02:19 pm
I rewrite the program to make it more useful. You can watch the youtube playlist online before downloading without any ads. Download here. http://rapidferret.com/1-click-youtube-downloader/
New Program Released - 1-Click MP3 Downloader 29 Apr 2013 | 06:51 am
Some users mail me to say the converted MP3 files from Youtube are not in good quality. So I deside to make a new program which can directly download mp3 files from internet. It is also 100% free and ...
1-click YouTube Downloader has been updated to V10.1 - Supports New Youtube link 10 Apr 2013 | 04:47 pm
The new version works like before and supports new youtube link style. Goto http://365funnyvideos.com/youtubedownloader/ or clicke the button below to go to CNET to download it.
1-click YouTube Downloader has been updated to V10.0 - Supports New Youtube Change 27 Mar 2013 | 02:34 pm
Hello, Youtube changed its code again. Here is the newest version that works like before. Goto http://365funnyvideos.com/youtubedownloader/ to download it.
1-click YouTube Downloader has been updated to V9.0 26 Dec 2012 | 08:14 am
Youtube Changed its code And We fixed it again. New version supports new page. Enjoy it. Click here to download http://tinyurl.com/youtubedowndloader9