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Bioinformatics enters the world of Rich Internet Applications 28 Apr 2008 | 04:03 am
A new Flex app demonstating how easy to use and powerful pubmed is. This tools enables you to search PubMed (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed) journals without any page reload, read the abstracts and even ...
Subtitle Translator 21 Jul 2007 | 07:01 am
Features:- Line by line translation Uses Babelfish, so an internet connection is required Import/Export of subtitles in .srt format Instructions:- Unzip the archive Launch the standalone .exe fi...
AJAX File Browser 21 Jul 2007 | 06:54 am
This is a file browser made in PHP5 so you will need this for it to work. It’s all Ajax so you’ll get a directory tree without having to make read all the directories at once. It’s been made so that y...
Flash Shoutcast Player 16 Jul 2007 | 11:48 am
I’ve seen so many websites offering WMP, Real Player and Quicktime for playing their Shoutcast radio. This is very offputting to newbies who don’t know which to choose, choose the wrong one and think ...
UnZip on Server - using PHP 16 Jul 2007 | 11:34 am
Ever had to upload 5452 small files averaging 50mbs? Ever had to upload a single 50MB file? No, never! Well here’s another useless fact - “A new TCP connection is required for every file uploaded by F...
Easy Music Box 2 Jul 2007 | 03:43 am
Features:- Dynamically browse a directory of music files (mp3, wma) Search entire directory Create a playlist No database needed Easily visualize your site Easy template system A variety of pla...
IPB: Logo Rotator 23 Oct 2006 | 03:31 am
This works on IPB (Invision Power Board) 2.2. However, if all you want is a simple PHP banner rotator then just use logo.php in the archive and create a “/logo/” folder with all your images. To includ...
Easy Banner Rotator 4 Oct 2006 | 03:23 am
Select all checkboxes 11 Mar 2006 | 04:18 am
One frequently wanted snippet is one with the ability to select all checkboxes in a form. Although there are many around some have problems when using an array as the desired ‘name’. This script ove...