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OSLO 2008: The North Sea after 40 Years 11 Jun 2008 | 04:02 am
Registration is now open for the AAPG European Region's annual meeting slated October 6 and 7 in Oslo, Norway. The conference will poses the question: After more than 40 years of varied upstream activ...
Scott Tinker Participates in 'More American Energy Forum" 11 Jun 2008 | 03:59 am
Scott Tinker participated in the U.S. Senate Republican Conference "More American Energy Forum." Review hIs paper titled "Fossil Fuels and Carbon Sequestration in a Global Energy Context."
Environmental Geosciences Journal 4 Jun 2008 | 03:39 am
The June issue of DEG's science journal, Environmental Geosciences is available to subscribers.
AAPG European Region Conference - Oslo 3 Jun 2008 | 05:21 am
The AAPG European Region annual conference is slated for Oslo, Norway. It's focus is on 40 years of upstream activity in the North Sea petroleum province. There is a diverse range of companies coverin...
EXPLORER June issue 30 May 2008 | 05:08 pm
The June issue of the AAPG Explorer focuses on the Rocky Mountains. Discover unexpected treasurers, a beautiful enigma and how the exploration here benefits from work in the Gulf of Mexico.
Atlas of Deep-Water Outcrops 10 Apr 2008 | 08:35 am
A collection of data (hard copy and companion CD-ROM) on deep-water outcrops geared toward ease of use in reservoir characterization and modeling, with information on all seven continents and 21 count...
European Region Newsletter for March 2008 10 Apr 2008 | 07:32 am
Catch up on the latest Region news and meetings, then go beyond typical newsletter content to R&D projects in Europe and abroad, the latest in 4D modeling techniques, and Russia's petroleum history an...
2008 International Conference and Exhibition 10 Mar 2008 | 11:18 pm
The technical program for this Cape Town meeting set for October 26-29 focuses on "African Energy: Global Impact." While there is a large part of the program that uses examples from the African O&G ex...
Hedberg Research Conference Abstracts 6 Mar 2008 | 06:38 am
Review abstracts from the fall of 2007 a Hedberg Research Conference held in Banff, Alberta, Canada. The topic focused on was Heavy Oil and Bitumen in Foreland Basin -- From Processes to Products.
Distinguished Lecturer Itineraries Updated 6 Mar 2008 | 05:49 am
Terry Engelder and Peter Skelton will be lecturing throughout the U.S. during March. Engelder's lectures focus on fracture reservoirs in the Appalachian Foreland and in France. Skelton expounds on rud...