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Army Leaders Have Two Weeks To Cut Staffs, Budgets by 25 Percent 20 Aug 2013 | 03:22 am
The Secretary of the Army and the Army Chief of Staff have given their staffs until Sept. 11 to report back with "a comprehensive set of recommendations" as to where the service can make 25 percent c...
2013 Basic Military Pay Rates for Military Personel 16 Aug 2013 | 07:24 pm
Military members receive a monthly base pay which is based on their rank and time in service. On January 3, 2013, President Obama Signed the National Defense Authorization Bill for 2013 into law gra...
2013 Military Pay 12 Aug 2013 | 07:46 pm
If you are considering enlisting into the U.S. Military, you may want to research what exactly you will be paid! Current 2013 Military pay rates for Enlisted personal are listed in this article. The...
FY 2014 Proposed Military Pay Rates 7 Aug 2013 | 08:35 pm
The proposed military pay increase for fiscal year 2014 is 1%. This is based on the Department of Defense's recommendation and President Obama's proposal in the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget proposal that ...
More Sequester Damage to the Forces 5 Aug 2013 | 08:27 pm
With Congress seemingly satisfied to let the defense budget take another $52 billion hit in the fiscal year that begins Oct. 1, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel gave a preview of how round two of budge...
You want to be a soldier? Watch the fries! 31 Jul 2013 | 11:13 pm
There's a misconception that any 18-year-old with a high school diploma can join the service. However, the truth of the matter is that recruits must pass a criminal history check, score well on a st...
Should You Join the Military? 30 Jul 2013 | 01:51 am
The military is not for everyone, and some people find that out too late. Ask yourself why you want to join the military? Do you need a job? Do you want to serve your country? Are you thinking of maki...
So You Want to Enlist in the Military 23 Jul 2013 | 06:26 pm
Meeting a recruiter in person is the best way to learn more about a particular Service branch. It's completely private, and there is no obligation for further contact afterwards. A recruiter will gu...
U.S. trained Marines in Mexico Proving Effective 18 Jul 2013 | 07:55 pm
A contingent of about two dozen U.S. Marines have been in Mexico training their counterparts in small-unit infantry tactics. The American Marine contingent is made up of personnel on temporary assignm...
Welcome to the future! 16 Jul 2013 | 10:25 pm
On July 10 history was made when a tailless unmanned atonomous aircraft landed on a modern aircraft carrier for the first time. The X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System (UCAS) demonstrator completed the f...