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Absenteedaddy.com, December 2010-April 2011 22 Apr 2011 | 07:16 pm
This site was a blog experiment by writer Jason Harrington. 19,000 hits, some good laughs, some good times, but sadly, the old man is retired. Thank you, and goodnight. For now.
In loving memory of… 19 Apr 2011 | 05:21 pm
Thank you for reading. Eh…thank you veddy much. Bye bye.
OK, we’re going to have to up our The Secret dose to 15, people. Getting a lot of negativity here. 19 Apr 2011 | 04:46 pm
6. People think about what they don’t want and attract more of the same 7. Thought = creation. If these thoughts are attached to powerful emotions (good or bad) that speeds the creation 8. You attra...
New sheriff again 19 Apr 2011 | 03:38 am
So it seems that some of us are having trouble adjusting to what’s good and pure and fine. No problem. We’ll get you guys thinking healthily soon enough. So what I vow to do on this now-blessed blog, ...
Hey everyone, it’s the new guy 17 Apr 2011 | 07:40 am
Now that spring’s here, and that Absentee Daddy’s out of the picture, I thought I’d share a GREAT article I just came across on Parenting.com. Written by Sandy M. Fernández. So without further ado: ...
Jason Harrington Now Owns This Site 16 Apr 2011 | 04:17 am
This is a takeover, see. Quixoticoreo.com I’ve taken it upon myself to do the world a favor and hack this site. I stumbled upon this blog a few months ago and immediately took interest in it: the kin...
Question #28: “What’s Better? Invisibility? Or Flight?” 12 Mar 2011 | 07:04 am
This is a Babylonian engraving, circa 2800 B.C. 13 Year old Johnny from Nashville sent me this one. It’s a very good question, one that people have been asking for hundreds, maybe thousands of years....
As Promised, The Winning Entry Of The Cat Picture Counter Contest, From J.H. 6 Mar 2011 | 05:24 pm
By: J.H. Silly cat pictures. It didn’t take long after the internet really exploded onto the world scene for silly pictures of cats to come along and infect the entire thing, like a highly malicious,...
Advice Column Break: WordPress Blogging Tips For The Recently Incarcerated 2 Mar 2011 | 03:54 pm
Can't...reach...publish...button... Jesus H. Christ. When I first started absentee dad blogging a couple months ago, I had no idea what a pain in the ass it can be to keep updating your blog on ...
Question #27: “My Friend Thinks Meryl Streep Is The Best Living Actress. I Think It’s Vanessa Redgrave. Who’s Right?” 20 Feb 2011 | 03:02 pm
Answer: Michelle Rodriguez. Gloria from Syracuse sent me this one. First of all, I’m just going to ignore your question, because it’s pretty much just stupid. Moving along then, I feel as though it’...