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Service Design Soft Skill Builder: Empathy 20 Aug 2013 | 04:09 am
We, the design community, talk (and write and speak) a lot about empathy.1 We lament the empathy deficit in our companies and clients and cry "something must be done about this." We tout personas, em...
The Service Design Conference Speaker Preview: Dave Gray 16 Aug 2013 | 11:40 pm
As we approach the launch of our Service Experience Conference, we asked keynote Speaker Dave Gray, Founder and CEO of liminl, to tell us why he's excited to take part and what you will learn from his...
Our Guide to Experience Mapping 12 Aug 2013 | 08:47 am
We've been doing experience mapping in our practice for several years now. Why? Customers are increasingly choosing products and services based on the quality of the experiences they have with them. T...
A Conversation with Ian Bogost: Fun. It’s (Probably) Not What You Think It Is. 23 Jul 2013 | 01:24 am
Ian Bogost makes video games. But more than that, he thinks about games: what they mean, how we engage with them, and how they shape our behavior. His company Persuasive Games explores how games can i...
A Conversation with Jason Kunesh: And You Think Your Projects Are Politically Charged! 10 Jul 2013 | 11:24 pm
Tracey Varnell: So Jason Kunesh! You’re the Director of User Experience for Obama for America and essentially, the first UX guy to be involved in a presidential campaign in the history of UX. You desi...
Look, Feel, and Newness 2 Jul 2013 | 10:32 pm
This post is by Shahrzad Samadzadeh, one of Adaptive Path's 2013 summer interns. Like any group of people passionate about design, the Adaptive Path studio had a lot to say about the release of iOS7 ...
A Conversation with Gina Trapani: On Designing Meaningful Notifications 26 Jun 2013 | 09:18 pm
Evi Hui: What lead you to become interested in the design of notifications? Gina Trapani: At work, I'm at my happiest and most productive when I have long stretches of uninterrupted time to dive deep...
How Design Can Tackle Real World Problems: SF Public Design Jam Recap 26 Jun 2013 | 08:47 pm
Post-it note covered walls, whiteboards filled with journey maps, paper cut-outs of people and interfaces, cardboard models of public spaces, actors decked out in homemade (or office made) costumes, a...
A Conversation with Brenda Laurel: It’s Not Enough to Change the Light Bulbs 19 Jun 2013 | 10:17 pm
Julia Moisand Egea: My name is Julia and I work with Adaptive Path as an Experience Designer. I've been following and loving your work for a while, in particular Purple Moon, Design Research and most ...
A Conversation with Dan Klyn: Richard Saul Wurman & IA for UXers 7 Jun 2013 | 01:26 am
Patrick Quattlebaum: Hi Dan. You’re doing double duty this year with both a talk, Make Things Be Good – The Five Essential Lessons from the Life of Richard Saul Wurman, and a workshop on IA for UXers....