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HMRC Voluntary Disclosures 20 Dec 2012 | 02:18 am
In this article we explore HMRC voluntary disclosures. The process, the implications and the benefits. More to follow
Tax Investigation Penalty 19 Dec 2012 | 01:49 pm
You may have read already read our useful guide to HMRC tax investigation interest and penalties. But what will HMRC charge you HMRC will look to charge a penalty at the end of any tax investigation w...
Tax Investigation Penalties – What will HMRC charge me 19 Dec 2012 | 01:49 pm
You may have read already read our useful guide to HMRC tax investigation interest and penalties. But what will HMRC charge you HMRC will look to charge a penalty at the end of any tax investigation w...
Tax Investigation – Certificate of Full Disclosure 17 Dec 2012 | 04:03 pm
When a tax investigation is settled via contract HMRC will seek reassurance that everything has been disclosed to them. This comes in the form of a signed declaration, otherwise known as a Certificate...
Tax Investigation – Statement of Assets and Liabilities 17 Dec 2012 | 04:01 pm
During the course of a tax investigation, HMRC will often ask for a snapshot of a taxpayers financial position This comes in the form of a Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Why do HMRC ask for a St...
Tax Investigation How Far Back Do HMRC Go 15 Dec 2012 | 06:03 pm
A popular myth that we hear on a regular basis, during the course of a tax investigation is that HMRC can only recover back taxes over a six year period. Unfortunately, that is far from the case. So h...
Tax Investigation – How far back 15 Dec 2012 | 06:03 pm
A popular myth that we hear on a regular basis, during the course of a tax investigation is that HMRC can only recover back taxes over a six year period. Unfortunately, that is far from the case. So h...
Tax Investigation – How settlements are negotiated 13 Dec 2012 | 04:12 pm
In previous articles we have covered issues relative to HMRC interest and penalties. Please click on the link below. Here we look at settlements One of the first questions we are asked when instructed...
HMRC Tax Investigation – How are settlements negotiated 13 Dec 2012 | 04:12 pm
In previous articles we have covered issues relative to HMRC interest and penalties. Please click on the link below. Here we look at settlementsMore to follow
Tax Investigation – A guide to interest and penalties 13 Dec 2012 | 04:03 pm
An area of concern for clients under UK tax investigation is interest and penalties. Here we try and address some common questions Interest When tax is paid for any reason, HMRC charge something known...