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vacation naps & rambles. 10 Jul 2013 | 11:36 am
the reasons i don't take very many pictures with my "big camera" are super lame. you see, i take my camera out & before i know it i've shot two or three hundred pictures of parker & elliot in my livi...
our {last two? three?} weeks in iPhotos 9 Jul 2013 | 10:31 am
oh man... so many things! so many days, vacations, splash parks, family outings & amazing summer days have gone by since i last stopped by my little corner of the internet. i love these pictures. i...
our {last two} weeks in iPhotos | 25 of 52 22 Jun 2013 | 08:58 am
it's the busy season, people. maybe this is just the busy season of life? i mean, this stage i'm at right now... does it get any less busy? probably not. photography, training for my half marathon...
our week in iPhotos | 23 of 52 8 Jun 2013 | 06:48 am
there's a definite theme in this week's pictures... early morning runs, my kiddos, repeat. and that was pretty much our week! just a routine week to get back into the swing of things. i started wee...
parkerlyfe | peanut butter & jelly sandwich maker. 5 Jun 2013 | 10:17 am
you guys... so far having a three year old is awesome. this kid is hilarious & so grown up. who knew making pb&j could be so much fun? and also? maybe you should think twice about having a pb&j ov...
our week(ish) in iPhotos | 22 of 52 3 Jun 2013 | 07:29 pm
so much awesome in this week's photos you guys. ahhhhh, vacation. it's where my heart is. our last week & a half or so included a quick extended weekend trip down to colorado. i got to see lots of ...
our week (& a half) of iPhotos | week 20/52 22 May 2013 | 11:25 am
our week: photo shoot mini sessions, mother's day, girl's night mani pedis, more awesome weather, the delivery of our blendtec {smoothies holla!}, more successful potty training {huzzah!}, smoothie d...
where we're at, a random post. 17 May 2013 | 11:53 am
sometimes i just like to get things down on virtual paper before i forget & this little moment in time passes & all the things whirling through my head are replaced with new whirling things. this is ...
our week in iPhotos | week 19/52 11 May 2013 | 10:40 am
more awesome weather this week. our week was filled with sprinklers, running {new shoes!} & time with friends. elliot's almost crawling & p-ray is doing awesome at potty training. my 5 mile race is...
elliot | eight months. 8 May 2013 | 03:36 am
another month with our newest little man! can't believe we're almost to the "more-time-spent-outside-the-belly-than-inside" point & staring one year straight in the face. here's our little goofball ...