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Images 26 May 2010 | 07:15 pm
SRI LANKA: Highest compensation to date awarded Sri Lanka torture victim 4 Apr 2003 | 07:00 am
HONG KONG, Friday, April 4, 2003: The Supreme Court of Sri Lanka today awarded a torture victim a record amount in compensation. In the case of Gerald Perera, who was tortured by a group of police of ...
SRI LANKA: On the misconduct of the Chief Justice of Sri Lanka, Sarath Silva 3 Apr 2003 | 07:00 am
In the addendum to his 2003 report to the UN Commission on Human Rights, the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers Mr. Dato' Param Cumaraswamy stated that he continues to be co...
SRI LANKA: Regarding the torture and contempt of court case of Anthony Michael Fernando 22 Feb 2003 | 07:00 am
A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission - AHRCThe Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has carefully studied the complaint of torture made by Anthony Michael Emmanuel Fernando on 16 February ...
CAMBODIA: Ten years after UNTAC, not an inch of progress in Cambodia's rule of law 4 Feb 2003 | 07:00 am
04 February 2003 AS-02-2003 The total destruction of the Thai embassy and businesses in Phnom Penh on January 29, widely reported by the international media, does not come as a surprise to anyone who...
AHRC STATEMENT / MEDIA RELEASE January 15, 2003 AS-01-2003MR-01-2003 TORTURE AND CYANIDE: A RESPONSE TO "IS TORTURE EVER JUSTIFIED" -- Basil Fernando, AHRC Note: The following letter, dated 14 Janua...
PAKISTAN: People's Right to Resist 30 Apr 2002 | 10:00 am
Today, Pakistan's military leader General Pervez Musharraf mocked the nation and the international community by holding a referendum as to whether he could remain as the Head of State for another five...
ALRC Publication "article 2" Internationally Launched at the UN in Geneva 5 Apr 2002 | 12:00 pm
05 April 2002 ALRC Media Release / ALRC Statement AS-06-2002 The International Launching of the Bi-monthly - article 2 The international launch of the article 2 was successfully held on the 3 Apr...
AHRC Statement: An Australia Day for us all 26 Jan 2002 | 12:00 pm
----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Asian Human Rights Commission takes the opportunity of Australia Day 2002 to congratulate Dr Aamer Sultan on his recent spe...
AHRC HUMAN RIGHTS STATEMENT - Commemoration of the Disappearances in Sri Lanka 1 Nov 2001 | 12:00 pm
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Commemoration of "Thirteen years ago my son, who was 22 years old, left home telling me he would return in 15 minutes or so. H...