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Flavoured Waters: Pretty, Healthy, Hydrating and Subltly Delicious! –How to make alkaline water 31 Jul 2013 | 05:38 am
I know how hard it can be to drink your water every single day. I find it challenging myself some days and I wake up with intentions of doing a little better than yesterday just to find that by 2pm I...
Fiddle Heads with Creamy Kamut Orzo & Spring Peas — Celebrate Earth Day 18 Apr 2013 | 11:00 am
You know that spring has sprung when you first stir in the early morning and hear the sounds of birds happily chirping out your window. You know it’s spring when the once greyish landscape explodes i...
Coconut, Lime & Red Cabbage Coleslaw w/ Macadamia Nuts 24 Mar 2013 | 10:12 am
My goodness, where does the time go? Have you also found that it’s ticking by too quickly? I’m glad it flies by quickly in the winter since I’m not fond of the cold so “Yay” I’m Glad it’s spring-my ...
White Chocolate Macaroon Bites – Happy Valentines Day 14 Feb 2013 | 11:54 am
The prettiness of Valentines and all it’s pinks and ruby reds always inspires me to be creative especially when I have the camera in my hand. Today I unearthed some of my pretties and had fun playing...
Marinated Kale w/ Roasted Veggies & Some Fabulous News! 24 Jan 2013 | 11:57 am
Well…. you caught me today with a project on my hands! And as you know once you get knee deep into something it’s hard to want to stop and eat something nutritious. Today I went scrambling into the f...
Super Salad for a New Year – Detox Demystified 3 Jan 2013 | 11:24 am
The beginning of a new year always sparks enthusiasm for new habits, fresh goals and great ideas. I’m hoping that you might be reading this with an interest to give your body a fresh clean start for ...
Holiday Pate of Lentils and Herbs–Wishing you a Joyful Christmas 24 Dec 2012 | 12:17 pm
As promised, I have another recipe for you just in the nick of time for the holiday season. The sun peaked out from the winter cloud cover as I shot this image above for you making it even more merry ...
Rainbow Cauliflower & Basil Chowder–Pausing for Nourishment during this busy time 17 Dec 2012 | 12:00 pm
Are you crazee busy with festivities and not sure how many sleeps til Santy arrives?? I have MY hand up!!! With the preparations for Christmas in full swing it’s easy to forget how good it feels to en...
Lavender Almond Milk & A Miracle 15 Nov 2012 | 10:58 am
Have you ever experienced a serious near miss? A near miss that could have caused you terrible harm or harm to your loved ones. Well, it happened to me just two weeks ago, my first ever serious near...
Raw Veggie Chard Wrap with Ancho Chili Dip–The Balancing Act of Alkalizing Daily 25 Oct 2012 | 11:34 pm
So, I know this chard wrap idea isn’t rocket science nor is it original but the dip….oh mee oh my! The thing is if you are going to eat a bunch of regular old veggies why not jazz ‘em up so you love ...