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Russia Refuses to Cave in to Perversion 27 Aug 2013 | 05:58 am
by Jeff Davis As amazing as it might seem there are some White countries that have resisted the incessant Jewish campaign to make homosexuality “acceptable” behavior. An article on repo...
UPS Slashes Spouse Medical Benefits Due to Obamacare 26 Aug 2013 | 10:46 am
by Jeff Davis We still haven’t put Obamacare into force and it’s already having a serious impact, cutting the hours of many full time employees to part time status. The Obamacare train wreck just keep...
Death of British Weapons Expert, who Warned against Iraq War, Gets Official Cover Up 25 Aug 2013 | 07:05 am
by Ian Mosley An article in the U.K. Daily Mail reports: “A former British diplomat has revealed he was warned by the senior civil servant running the Iraq Inquiry not to mention the late biological w...
California Sheriff Takes Police Powers Away from Federal Agents 23 Aug 2013 | 10:35 am
by Jeff Davis An article from reports: “The El Dorado County Sheriff says he’s not happy with the U.S. Forest Service, so he’s stripping them of their authority by keeping them f...
Judicial Corruption 22 Aug 2013 | 09:40 am
by Jeff Davis The average American will typically recoil in horror if you suggest that the Feds railroaded ex-Congressman James Traficant or that the CIA invented rape charges against Julian Assange. ...
Australian Baseball Player Murdered in Oklahoma by “Bored” Black Teens 21 Aug 2013 | 10:06 am
by Ian Mosley A young White man, a professional baseball player from Melbourne, Australia, was brutally murdered by two Blacks. If it weren’t for the intrepid Matt Drudge linking to the story, few in ...
Tales from Isra-hell 20 Aug 2013 | 10:01 am
by Ian Mosley The only “democracy” in the Middle East has always been a cesspool of complete and total corruption, including a series of prime ministers and cabinet ministers arrested and imprisoned f...
The Talmudic Roots of Jewish Supremacism 20 Aug 2013 | 09:24 am
by Dr. David Duke “When I first read extensive sections of the Talmud, even with the Jewish published translations in front of me, I did not want to believe they were authentic. I approached another J...
Whites in Britain Flee Diversity 18 Aug 2013 | 10:58 am
by Ian Mosley White families are seeking to escape multiracial areas all throughout Great Britain –especially the Third World sewer that is now London. An article from reports: “Brit...
Obama Regime Wants to Shove Blacks and Latinos into White Neighborhoods 17 Aug 2013 | 09:35 am
There’s a price to pay for putting a far-left Black in the White House. All the moderate and liberal Whites who got a “warm, fuzzy feeling” for voting for the first Black president had better brace th...