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Let There Be Light! 24 Aug 2013 | 09:49 pm

There is little doubt that the universe started as light. It happens to have emerged as one of the most potent properties of life. In a sense, we are light! That’s not a New Age claim; that’s scientif...

Deaths From Obesity Almost Quadruple What Was Thought 24 Aug 2013 | 09:26 pm

No surprise there. Insurance actuaries have known for over half a century that obesity will shorten your life. They don’t wanna pay up; the study the odds in microscopic detail. But for me, now li...

Right Left Brain Myth 24 Aug 2013 | 09:21 pm

We all love the metaphor of right and left brain thinking but I’ve been pointing out for years that it’s just not true. Everyone uses both sides, all the time. Women who speak (no, fill in your own jo...

The Most Outrageous and Contentious Theory of Allergy and Intolerance 23 Aug 2013 | 08:08 pm

Finally, we come to the newest and, if such a thing is possible, most outrageous and contentious theory of allergy and intolerance. That is not to say that it is unscientific, far from it; this model ...

Are We Addicted to Our Food Allergies? 22 Aug 2013 | 08:12 pm

No reference to allergy and environmental medicine could be complete without some reference to Hans Selye’s hypothesis of stress adaptation. It is something that environmental medicine doctors have ta...

Leaky Gut Syndrome and Food Allergies 21 Aug 2013 | 08:12 pm

Now we come to yet another model of health and disease, concerning the way food residues are dealt with by the gut. It is important to realize that the contents of the bowel are outside the body. If ...

Hypersensitivity and Allergies 20 Aug 2013 | 09:11 am

Hypersensitivity (a heightened state of extreme sensitivity) is another word you will hear applied to allergy. There are four distinct types of hypersensitivity: Types I to IV. These divisions are use...

T-Helpers and Allergy Invaders 19 Aug 2013 | 07:02 pm

When an infective organism invades the tissues, a precise series of events are set up to limit spread of the foreigner and ultimately to destroy it. First a macrophage will encounter the intruder. It ...

Smart Phone Apps For Eye Examinations 16 Aug 2013 | 04:03 pm

eyeNetra eyeNetra’s invention is a way to measure refractive errors (near or far-sightedness) by combining a simple optical attachment with software on a mobile phone. With billions of people in the...

Quiz Question What Is The Surprise Diagnosis? 16 Aug 2013 | 03:16 pm

Let’s see how much you know. Pretend I came to you with this symptom and asked you what to do! Here’s the story: the patient is me (truly, this happened to me yesterday afternoon). I was sitting in a...

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