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E-Book Sale Continues 19 Aug 2013 | 08:28 pm
Two of Andrew’s young adult thrillers continue to be on sale as e-books for a limited time. Nightmare City will not be published until November, but you can pre-order the e-book in most formats now fo...
Interview: “If We Survive” and Leadership 19 Aug 2013 | 08:23 pm recently interviewed me on an off-beat topic: what my young adult novel If We Survive had to say about leadership. Here’s a bit of the exchange: YWJ: Is there a common thread/theme th...
Interview: The Writing of “Haunting Melissa” 11 Aug 2013 | 07:07 pm
Haunting Melissa Fan Art by Natalia Hidalgo It’s very rare I get to do an interview on writing technique: most people just don’t know the right questions to ask. But Sean Hood at the website Genr...
Nightmare Jacket in Progress 4 Aug 2013 | 11:11 pm
I know — I can’t get this to fit at a reasonably readable size, but at least you can get a glimpse of what Thomas Nelson is working on for the full cover of my upcoming YA novel Nightmare City. It’s n...
Back-to-School Deal on “Last Thing I Remember” 4 Aug 2013 | 10:37 pm
The e-book of The Last Thing I Remember, the opening volume in Andrew’s bestselling Homelanders series of thrillers for young adults will go on sale August 5th through August 26th as part of a back-to...
Andrew in New “Beholden State” Video 28 Jul 2013 | 07:00 pm
Andrew makes an extended appearance in a new YouTube video promoting the publication of The Beholden State: California’s Lost Promise and How to Recapture It. The book is a collection of essays on Cal...
Acculturated.Com on “Haunting Melissa” 28 Jul 2013 | 06:00 pm
At, a cool pop culture site well worth checking out, writer and pal-o-mine Mark Tapson has produced an excellent piece on the iPad/iPhone App Haunting Melissa (script by yours truly):...
Pre-Order Bargain on “Nightmare City” 21 Jul 2013 | 07:43 pm
Nightmare City, Andrew’s new thriller for young adults, doesn’t hit bookstores until November, but you can Pre-Order it now as an e-book for only $3.99. The book tells of high school newspaperman Tom ...
Lots of Cool “Haunting Melissa” Stuff 21 Jul 2013 | 07:03 pm
If you haven’t yet downloaded the unique and frightening ghost story app Haunting Melissa (screenplay by me) for your iPhone or iPad, you really should get cracking. Not having an iPhone or iPad is no...
Off To ThrillerFest 8 Jul 2013 | 02:54 am
I head out to New York this week for the International Thriller Writers ThrillerFest where (as you can read over in the news section) I’ll do a panel and attend the award ceremony — If We Survive is n...