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Solved assignments BBA 201 Q1. Explain the term ‘Research’. Discuss the various steps involved in Research Process. 13 Feb 2013 | 12:43 am
Answer: The term research needs formulating a hypothesis, collection of data on relevant variables, analysing and interpreting the result and reacting conclusions, either in the form of an explanation...
MC0071 – Software Engineering Q1. Explain Iterative Development Model in detail. 11 Dec 2012 | 02:03 pm
Ans: Iterative Development Model:The iterative enhance model counters the third limitation of the waterfall model and tries to combine a benefit of both prototyping and the waterfall model. The basic...
MC0071 – Software Engineering Q1. Explain Iterative Development Model in detail. 11 Dec 2012 | 02:03 pm
Ans: Iterative Development Model:The iterative enhance model counters the third limitation of the waterfall model and tries to combine a benefit of both prototyping and the waterfall model. The basic...
Summer 2012 MC0061 – Q1. Explain the following operators with an example for each:a. Conditional Operators b. Bitwise Operators c. gets() and puts() f... 26 Jul 2012 | 06:30 pm
Ans:a. Conditional Operators is also called as “Ternary Operator”.The conditional operator consists of 2 symbols the question mark (?) and the colon (:).The syntax for a ternary operator is as follows...
Q2. Write advantage of multiple inheritances. And write a c++ program to implement the multiple inheritances. 14 Jul 2012 | 01:30 am
Ans: Advantages of multiple inheritances: Multiple inheritance allows a class to inherit the functionality of more than one base class thus allowing for modeling of complex relationships You categoriz...
MC0062 –Q1. Convert the following decimal numbers to binary using sum-of weight and repeated division methods a. 40.345 (10) b. 143.7 (10) c. 467 (10) 11 Jul 2012 | 01:30 am
Ans: a. 40.345 (10) 2 40 2 20 ? 0 LS...
Q1. Discuss the Importance of Sales Management and list the responsibilities of sales personnel 29 May 2012 | 10:16 pm
Answer: Importance of Sales Management Importance of sales management is critical for any organization. In present scenario, expanding business is not possible without increasing sales volumes and the...
Q.1 Define the term business intelligence tools? Briefly explain how the data from one end gets transformed into information at the other end? [10 Mar... 28 May 2012 | 10:07 pm
Answer: Business Intelligence (BI) is a generic term used to describe leveraging the organizational internal and external data, information for making the best possible business decisions. The field o...