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Devil’s Luck: I added an epilogue 14 Mar 2013 | 05:25 am
I once heard of an author who actually went into bookstores, pulled his books off the shelves, and made corrections in pen. I guess this is my version of that! It’s been nearly a year since I put Devi...
Wintery update! 28 Feb 2013 | 02:05 am
New romantic suspense series featuring secret agents who are hot, dangerous nerds: coming in March I’ve followed my love of romantic suspense right into writing it myself. No magic, no paranormal, jus...
The #MrReal Twitter contest! 28 Oct 2012 | 06:54 pm
What hero or heroine would you bring to your doorstep if you had magical software on your laptop? Jamie Fraser? Captain Jack Sparrow? or…? Instructions: Tweet your answer with #MrReal and you’re enter...
OMG Mr. Real gets yet another new cover! 5 Oct 2012 | 09:43 pm
Yes, MR. REAL now has a different cover! With my last new cover, I discovered there was the potential of reader confusion. It’s kind of a funny story, a stock image drama I blogged all about here. Thi...
Mr. Real gets a new cover 3 Oct 2012 | 07:54 am
But this one is the final one! LOL. I was joking the other day with a tweep that when you self publish, the degree of control is both terrible and wonderful. I am a poster child for that. Anyway, afte...
Mr. Real & more 3 Aug 2012 | 09:28 am
Hi everybody! I hope you’re staying cool this summer. So, fun things are happening around here. First, I have my Mr. Real cover (pictured), which I so love! The book is the first in a series, and it c...
Devil’s Luck released! 29 Feb 2012 | 04:54 am
Yay! Devil’s Luck, the Simon novella, is finally available out in the wild as an ebook novella. I have such a soft spot for Simon, who I originally created as a messed-up foe for Justine, but ended u...
Coming next: DEVIL’S LUCK, the Simon novella 24 Jan 2012 | 04:33 pm
I’m polishing up a very intense (!!) novella about Simon, which I will be self publishing. It will go on sale in late February or early March. (Psst: subscribers to my newsletter will be able to downl...
Head Rush: now out in digital and audio formats 24 Jan 2012 | 04:12 pm
I am so happy and excited Head Rush is finally out – in ebook and audiobook at least. You can find order links here on the Head Rush page. Print: The print edition of Head Rush will be out Sept...
International English language ebook editions 1 Jan 2012 | 04:15 pm
International readers have emailed looking for English language Double Cross downloads & Mind Games downloads, which have been unavailable outside North America and related areas. Until now!! Now bot...