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Weekend Box Office Report: The Butler Has Done It Again! 26 Aug 2013 | 02:44 pm
It looks like. ‘Lee Daniels’ The Butler’ (2013) has done it again, cleaning up the competition and winning another first place in the box office this weekend! That’s right folks, it looks like accord...
Weekend Box Office Report: 2 Guns Have Shot Their Way To First Place! 6 Aug 2013 | 01:22 pm
’2 Guns’ has shot it’s way to the #1 spot in this weekend’s Box Office! That’s right folks, according to Box Office Mojo, it looks like the new action/comedy movie starring: Denzel Washington (Virtuo...
Post Impact (2004) 30 Jul 2013 | 04:37 pm
There is a TV station that I some times flip to because it has a fair amount of classic TV shows that I really enjoyed when I was a kid (and to some extent still enjoy… Such shows as: Alf, Batman: The...
Andy Warhol’s Bad (1977) 25 Jul 2013 | 12:37 pm
Andy Warhol movies are highly misunderstood. Which adds to their brilliance. Firstly being, just about none have been written or directed by Andy Warhol. And most people tend to believe all of them ar...
Spoofs In The First Decade Of The New Millennium… What Went Wrong? 23 Jul 2013 | 02:25 pm
Bill Murray as (Carl Spackler) in, ‘Caddyshack’ (1980) a truly classic American comedy film, and one of the best of the 1980s! First off let me say that I am a huge fan of comedy movies, and the acto...
The Initiation (1984) 23 Jul 2013 | 01:24 pm
Sadly one of the lesser recognized actresses is, Daphne Zuniga (Spaceballs), I mean this actress is an amazing talent what with entertaining audiences on TV from 1992 – 1996 as, ‘Jo Reynolds’ on Melro...
Awesome New Trailer For Robert Rodriguez’s ‘Machete Kills’ 31 May 2013 | 02:27 am
Based on his original character Machete that Rodriguez created in a fake trailer for his film 'Planet Terror' back in 2007... Read the article...
General Zod Comes For The, ‘Man Of Steel’ In This New Trailer! 29 May 2013 | 11:02 pm
The new, ‘Man Of Steel’ (Henry Cavill) in the upcoming movie, ‘Man Of Steel’ which is set to be released on June 14th. That’s right folks, with the latest in the truly historic series, ‘Superman’ cal...
10 Awesome Directors Of Cult Horror Films 28 May 2013 | 07:36 pm
Top 10 Lesser Known Horror Movie Directors. Read the article...
International Poster For, ‘World War Z’ Revealed! 28 May 2013 | 03:15 pm
The International Poster For, 'World War Z' Has Been Revealed! Read the article...