Badtothebonememoir -

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Great Tip From 25 May 2010 | 08:41 am
I love reading reviews that love me. Especially the ones where I don’t even give a paw for the virtual pat on the head. You’d think with all the love and attention I get from my folks I wouldn’t need...
Book Signing – May 15th at Woof Stock 13 May 2010 | 03:25 am
It’s been a while since my parents have been out and about in the world. They’ve got cabin fever so I’m setting them loose, without their leash, on May 15th to attend Woof Stock in Suwanee, GA. Don’t...
American Dog Magazine Review 30 Jan 2010 | 04:38 am
Nothing better to make your day than finding yourself on The American Dog Magazine’s Bedtime Books reading list. For those who may not know, The American Dog Magazine is the first parent magazine for...
Book Cover Image Download 30 Jan 2010 | 04:15 am
Click on the book for a high resolution version.
Bo is soooooo HAUTE!!! 28 Jan 2010 | 12:47 pm
You ever wonder whether life is passing you by, that maybe you’re not hip enough to stand out in a crowd? I know I used to, but frankly now I just make sure my hip doesn’t stand out in the crowd…beca...
Dogasaur Review 18 Dec 2009 | 05:23 am
The greatest dog book ever written by a dog gets a woof-out from today. The site helps folks to find dogs, make friends and find out about dog products. It’s an informative destination on...
Modern Dog Magazine Review 17 Dec 2009 | 05:21 am
Modern Dog Magazine has included Bad to the Bone in their Connie’s Book Club must read list. “Get honest, engaging, and hilarious insight into the inner life of a dog through the eyes of Bo, once a s...
Howliday Book Signing – December 6th 4 Dec 2009 | 08:35 am
This Sunday, December 6th, we’ll be doing a book signing to support one of our favorite charities, Daffy’s Pet Soup Kitchen. Daffy’s is dedicated to keeping families and their pets together and has m...
Pets Press Reviews Bad to the Bone 25 Nov 2009 | 08:01 am
Pets Press, Connecticut’s only FREE newspaper for pets and the people who love them, reviews Bad to the Bone: Memoir of a Rebel Doggie Blogger. Pets Press is a monthly publication that talks directly...
Times Square Barks Out Love For Bo 25 Nov 2009 | 07:02 am
Bad to the Bone: Memoir of a Rebel Doggie has hit the Big Apple’s big screen. Featured on Times Square’s jumbotron, my lovely mug was on display for all New Yorkers to see…well for a few seconds anyw...