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[BF] Battlefield 4 at Gamescom 2013: Recap 26 Aug 2013 | 07:09 am
It’s been an exciting week for Battlefield at gamescom 2013. In case you missed any of the news, we’ve put together a brief recap. First up is the Battlefield 4: Official “Paracel Storm” Multiplayer T...
[BF] Gamescom 2013: Photos from the Battlefield 24 Aug 2013 | 02:03 pm
Gamescom is not just about big companies, huge booths and the latest games. It’s also about the excited visitors, ambitious cosplayers, zombies, roadtripping BF4 fans and youtubers pointing at things....
[BF] Frantic and explosive: Battlefield 4 Obliteration mode overview 23 Aug 2013 | 07:57 pm
DICE has always wanted to widen the available experiences to players of Battlefield. Never has the game modes on offer been so diverse than with Battlefield 4. If you’ve followed our live stream from ...
[BF] Frantic and explosive: Battlefield 4 Obliteration mode overivew 23 Aug 2013 | 07:57 pm
DICE has always wanted to widen the available experiences to players of Battlefield. Never has the game modes on offer been so diverse than with Battlefield 4. If you’ve followed our live stream from ...
[BF] Battlefield 4 wins six awards at gamescom 2013 23 Aug 2013 | 06:29 pm
Fans and press have given us great feedback for Battlefield 4 at gamescom this week, and we are happy to have received several awards already! Battlefield 4 has won six awards so far, including Most W...
[BF] Battlefield 4 at Gamescom: Day 3 23 Aug 2013 | 06:51 am
It’s been a big day at gamescom 2013. Read on for a brief summary of the day’s events and tune in tomorrow for another exciting day of Battlefield 4. First, we’re happy to show off our new trailer. Le...
[BF] The Road to Battlefield 4: Levolutionizing the Battle 22 Aug 2013 | 06:02 pm
In the third post in the “Road to Battlefield 4” blog series, we tackle Levolution, a natural extension of Battlefield and the freedom to play how you want to play. We’re taking unique multiplayer exp...
[BF] Ready for All-out War: Meet BF4 Shoutcaster Corey Dunn 22 Aug 2013 | 01:34 pm
A decade of virtual battle commentary behind him, Corey Dunn is one of the most popular shoutcasters in existence. We grabbed hold of this Texas-born commentator at gamescom after one of his daily BF4...
[BF] Battlefield 4 “Paracel Storm” screenshots from gamescom 21 Aug 2013 | 03:47 am
Grab your wallpaper-sized screenshots from the Battlefield 4 gamescom map “paracel Storm” here on the Battlefield Blog. Click for full HD size — perfect for your desktop. Source: http://blogs.battle...
[BF] Battlefield 4: Official Premium Video 21 Aug 2013 | 03:23 am
Battlefield 4 Premium was announced at the EA press conference at gamescom 2013. Learn more in the offical video below, or head to