Beforeyouwerehot - - BEFORE YOU WERE HOT

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Randi: Sparkly Bat 23 May 2013 | 07:54 pm

"I'd have to guess I was eight here or maybe ten, either way it was the late 90s and I was dressed like a bat, a sparkly bat. Don't worry, this wasn't how I normally dressed (at least not yet anyway),...

Vanessa: PUFFY! WHITE! Marshmallow Coat 2 Jan 2013 | 12:32 am

"Backstory: This was taken during a kids' window-painting contest in the 'downtown' area of Baldwinsville, when I was in 4th grade. 'Twas an incredibly cold and rainy morning--but you'd never know it ...

Rhys: Not a Lady-Killer 21 Dec 2012 | 12:29 am

"This picture marks the era in which all photos of me were eventually discarded, around age 14. In fact it was only a couple of weeks ago when the last TRULY horrifying photo of me was thrown away by ...

Mindy: Your TV BFF 17 Oct 2012 | 06:51 pm

You guys, that's Mindy Kaling! This photo is adorable, and you probably know what she looks like after the jump... Gorgeous!

Melinda: Old Navy Flag Tee 20 Aug 2012 | 09:10 am

"Apparently I was super excited about my extra large glasses, bowl cut hair, and Old Navy flag t-shirt. This must have been a dress down day though, since I'm not wearing my trademark silver eyeliner....

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were, you were, braces headgear, 80s braces headgear, you are hot, that is what you were, were are you, headgear braces, puffy side ponytail

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