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Sunday on NLGX: 12SQM turns six and Kornides says bye 26 Aug 2013 | 09:30 pm
~ It seems like yesterday that 12SQM was a brand-spanking new pub that measured, well, 12 square meters. My, how it has grown to… 45 square meters. But it still...
Sips & bites: Salt, The Bar, Tim’s Texas BBQ, Mash & Heaven Supermarket 26 Aug 2013 | 04:16 pm
~ Salt is closed.* Temporarily? Forever? Who knows? Some readers of this blog made the discovery when they arrived for weekend brunch to find the place with darkened door. Word...
150 wines, 14 countries: Torres’ Taste of Nations set for September 14 in Beijing 26 Aug 2013 | 04:01 pm
More than 150 wines. From 14 countries. For rmb228. It’s time again for the annual Taste of Nations, one of the best annual wine consumer events in Beijing. Now in...
Sips & bites: More on Moka Bros’, plus Four Seasons, Slow Boat & Kokomo Foam Party 23 Aug 2013 | 02:40 pm
Mosto and Modo sibling Moka Bros’ is slated to open in the first half of September. This venue by Alex Molina and Daniel Urdaneta is in the former Italian restaurant...
Paddy Issues: The Legacy of Karl Long 23 Aug 2013 | 02:10 pm
Long’s time is now short: Sombre air, a steely stare, one last Guinness pour. ~ Karl Long is leaving Beijing after an impressive stint with establishments such as Paddy O’Shea’s,...
Sips & bites: MASH opens Saturday, plus Tim’s 5th, Barathalon, Tavalin & Simon Ge’d Bye 22 Aug 2013 | 02:55 pm
~ (Apologies for the light posting of late. Been busy with travel plus work plus Candy Crush Saga working out.) The opening party for MASH — formerly Big Live —...
The Moose is Loose II: A four-day Canuck-themed romp in Beijing 20 Aug 2013 | 03:21 pm
[Yeah, I know I'm posting late, but it took me this long to recover.] While it featured no epic feast by Marcus Routbard and Rosalyn Ediger — see last year’s...
Proof of Eh-dentity: Moosehead, poutine and ‘Call Me Maybe’ in Beijing 20 Aug 2013 | 08:57 am
~ The first Proof of Canadian Spirit / Proof of Eh-Dentity party in the whole history of this wild crazy planet happened on a Saturday night at 4corners. The original...
Hot dog month: Wiener-fest in Beijing 11 Aug 2013 | 10:38 am
~ Note: Pretend I actually pressed “publish” and posted this last month as I had intended. The hot dog. H.L. Mencken once called it “a cartridge filled with the sweepings...
Sips & bites: Okra 1949, Bar Veloce, Wanderlust, Union, O’Steak 9 Aug 2013 | 01:16 pm
~ Okra 1949, the newest venture by chef Max Levy (Traitor Zhou’s Kaifeng Nonkosher Delicatessen, formerly Apothecary, Bei, RBL), held its opening ceremony in Sanlitun yesterday. This second-floor rest...