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Adobe InDesign CC: Selection colour and responsiveness affected by transparency of linked PSD file 14 Aug 2013 | 06:05 pm

Yesterday, I wrote a post about a new problem introduced in InDesign CC that involves the presence of a link to a PSD file on the page. Thanks to the feedback of Betalogue reader and fellow InDesign ...

Adobe InDesign CC: Presence of PSD graphic affects selection colour and responsiveness 14 Aug 2013 | 12:38 am

It’s an inevitability: Every new version of a major software title introduces new bugs. I’ve just encountered one in InDesign CC, and it didn’t take an inordinate amount of sleuthing to identify its s...

Fix for kernel panics on Mac Pro with multiple GeForce cards: ATI Radeon HD 5770 1 Aug 2013 | 06:08 pm

In the summer of 2012, Apple started seeding early builds of the OS X 10.8.2 update. As a member of the AppleSeed program, I was able to test these early builds. I quickly noticed (as one would) that ...

Delicious Library 3: A major disappointment 18 Jul 2013 | 11:58 pm

I used to have a custom-made FileMaker Pro solution for cataloguing my books, my music, and my movies. But when Delicious Library came about, with its built-in access to Amazon’s data, I quickly made ...

Pages ’09: ‘The file format is invalid’ 5 Jul 2013 | 01:15 am

Ever got this error when you tried to open a Word document in Pages ’09? I just did, and I now know why. See, Microsoft Word users in general and Windows users in particular are so confused about fi...

OS X: Sandboxing = more crashes 19 Jun 2013 | 06:09 pm

This is something that pisses me right off. Apparently, according to Apple, sandboxing is good for us. After all, it “provides a last line of defense against the theft, corruption, or deletion of user...

Word 2011: Why does word selection still select the trailing space? 13 Jun 2013 | 07:11 pm

In Microsoft Word, there is a myriad of inconsistencies, behaviours that don’t make sense and are simply the way they are because they have always been that way and nobody at Microsoft bothers to use ...

About the new Mac Pro 11 Jun 2013 | 05:40 pm

I am ambivalent about the upcoming new Mac Pro unveiled by Apple yesterday at the WWDC. Of course, I am relieved that Apple has finally given us something tangible to look forward to. I am also glad t...

Word 2011: Constant repagination while typing in footer 8 Jun 2013 | 01:37 am

If there is one thing about Microsoft Word for OS X that you can say, it is that it is never boring. For sheer entertainment value, no other piece of OS X software will ever give you a scene such as t...

OS X 10.8.4: Yet another big disappointment 5 Jun 2013 | 07:11 am

What’s the point of submitting bug reports? That’s the question I used to ask myself when it came to Microsoft and its crappy software, but I must say I am increasingly asking myself the exact same th...

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