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Handling Rejection in Healthy Ways 11 Jun 2012 | 01:52 am
Jason had been rejected. Not once, but a whole lot of times. Each time he was rejected, he became dejected. People often said he looked dejected. Apparently, that often happens with someone who's been...
7 Ways to Get Up 15 Minutes Earlier 11 Jun 2012 | 01:50 am
Feeling stressed? Stress relief can be hard to come by, but some simple steps can be taken to reduce stress One great way to reduce stress in your morning is to get up 15 minutes earlier—but it's not ...
The Dangers of Social Networking Sites - on Your Job Search 21 May 2012 | 09:56 am
After Bob applied at the job he knew he was well qualified for, he later discovered that he was rejected because of things that he had posted on his own social networking Web site - MySpace. Similarly...
The Certified Fire Protection Specialist Certification 21 May 2012 | 09:54 am
Man has been trying to control fire since the dawn of time. Firefighting has evolved from bucket brigades to its own category of science: fire technology. Today's firefighters must understand environm...
The Certified Fire Inspector Certification 21 May 2012 | 09:53 am
As a firefighter, have you given much thought to the next step up your firefighting career ladder? If you're considering branching of into the fire inspection field, one of the first steps involves ea...
How to Deal with Kids Who Don't Get in School 17 Apr 2012 | 09:23 am
Throughout this article we will suggest some useful tips that you as a parent should take note of when dealing with your kid who doesn't want to get in school: * Always remind them that the reality o...
Organizational Management Degree 14 Apr 2012 | 10:42 am
People interested in an upper management position would greatly benefit from a degree in organizational management and development. This degree program involves learning all aspects of HR management, ...
Bachelor Degree in Organizational Leadership 14 Apr 2012 | 10:39 am
Students will develop their managerial and leadership skills, as well as increase their marketability and employability with a bachelor’s degree in organizational leadership from a college. The curric...
Master’s Degree in Leadership 14 Apr 2012 | 10:38 am
Online master’s degree in organization and leadership is a degree program that focuses on giving professionals the skills to motivate and manage employees effectively and ethically. The well-rounded c...
Associate Degree in Business Administration 14 Apr 2012 | 10:37 am
Whether you are skilled with computers, good with people or just good at crunching numbers, an online associate degree in business administration can get you started at a variety of professional jobs....