Bio-catalyst - - Mainstream Biocatalysis

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New Trifluoromethylation Technology from Catylix 4 Sep 2011 | 07:55 am
About 25% of compounds in development contain fluorine. Why? Because fluorine-containing functionality often improves bioavailability and metabolic stability. For this reason, finding practical ways t...
Why Use Biocatalysis? 20 Mar 2011 | 03:59 am
The advantages of biocatalysis, using enzymes as catalysts for chemical manufacturing, enzyme sources
Cleantech and Dirty Laundry 9 Mar 2011 | 05:32 am
“Cleantech” has been a hot sector for investors over the past few years. A near feeding frenzy has occurred at times through a vicious cycle of investors clamoring for good cleantech ideas and entrep...
Is Sugar The New Oil? 3 Mar 2011 | 05:55 pm
Is Sugar The New Oil? Biofuels offer an alternative to oil for the have nots. But biofuels cannot just be pumped out of the ground. They are produced from cheap carbon sources. One the cheapest and mo...
Attending Informex This Week 7 Feb 2011 | 01:51 pm
I’ll be attending Informex in Charlotte, NC this week. Informex is one of the two major trade shows focused on specialty chemicals where biocatalysis gets decent exposure. It’s a great place to meet u...
Biofuels Companies Remaking Themselves As Biobased Chemical Companies 24 Jan 2011 | 11:59 pm
There is a trend in the biofuels and industrial biotechnology area that investors and industry observers should pay attention to. Biofuels Companies Are Remaking Themselves as bio-based chemicals comp...
We Need Advanced Biofuels: Is Butanol The Best Choice? 20 Jan 2011 | 03:57 pm
More attention is being directed to so-called advanced biofuels lately, as ethanol’s image has become tarnished. What are the shortcomings that have dimmed ethanol’s luster? There are quite a few: F...
DuPont: Becoming the 1000 lb. Gorilla of Biofuels 18 Jan 2011 | 07:54 am
Fresh from its acquisition of industrial enzyme giant Danisco, DuPont is flexing its muscles once again in the biofuels and bio-based chemicals arena. DuPont, through its Butamax Advanced Biofuels joi...
Dupont Acquires Danisco: Big Implications for Biofuels and Industrial Biotechnology 11 Jan 2011 | 11:26 am
In a move that will have a big impact on the biofuels and industrial biotechnology industries, Dupont announced that it has signed and agreement to acquire one of the world’s largest industrial enzyme...
How The Renewable Energy Grant Extension Was Won 30 Dec 2010 | 10:51 am
As most everyone knows, the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts by the Congress included a huge list of earmarks for special interests. I ran across the text of the letter, signed by 17 senators led by Sen...