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Amara's 10th Birthday Party - Olympics Theme 19 Jul 2013 | 02:23 pm
For Amara's 10th Birthday, she chose an Olympics-themed birthday party with various sporting events and party games. The party began with guests entering the "Olympic Village" and decorating their wa...
Mum & Dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary 25 Mar 2013 | 01:08 pm
This is a copy of the slideshow that I put together for our parents' 50th wedding anniversary party. Click on the picture to see the video.
Amara's visit to Mission San Juan Bautista 27 Jan 2013 | 02:49 am
It is that time of year when the 4th graders study the California missions and create a Mission Project of one of the 21 missions. Amara chose Mission San Juan Bautista since it was within driving di...
Christmas Baking (Gingerbread House, Yule Log, Cookies) 30 Dec 2012 | 11:41 am
With Michael back from college, we had all the kids together for some Christmas Eve baking of a gingerbread house, a Yule log and some Christmas sugar cookies. The gingerbread house was covered in ch...
Christmas Puzzle for 2012 - Snowflake Maze 21 Dec 2012 | 03:09 pm
Our annual Christmas puzzle is available now. It's a fun maze in the shape of a snowflake. As in prior years, the reward for solving is a video Christmas card, but you'll need to figure out the passwo...
Halloween Costume Theme: The Four Seasons 31 Oct 2012 | 10:57 pm
For our 14th year of dressing up for Halloween, we chose a theme that is ideal for a group of 4: The Four Seasons. You can see a movie and read more details on our costumes by clicking here.
Camping 2012 - Grand Canyon, North Rim (August 2012) - Part II 31 Oct 2012 | 08:35 am
As the second part of our annual family camping, we continued on to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon where we camped, hiked and rode mules. An adventurous contingent of our family braved the famous "...
Camping 2012 - Mojave National Preserve & Grand Canyon, North Rim (August 2012) - Part I 31 Oct 2012 | 08:29 am
For our family camping trip this year, we drove to the Mojave Desert. We started our trip with 3 days in Mojave National Preserve where we camped, hiked a trail of rock wall hand-holds, went up (and d...
Family Trip - Lake Tahoe - June 2012 31 Oct 2012 | 08:23 am
In honor of Dad's 80th birthday, as well as other birthdays in June (Tanya, Sydney, Sara, Amara) the family celebrated at a cabin up at South Lake Tahoe. We had fun cruising the lake, swimming, having...
Jason's 5th Grade Graduation Slideshow 14 Jun 2012 | 10:39 pm
Every year, Highlands Elementary celebrates the 5th grade graduation by showing a slideshow with baby/toddler photos interspersed with current photos of each of the children. Since Jason was graduati...