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World of Art Award winning Danish artist Asbjorn Lonvig’s EXCLUSIVE selection of his phenomenal Paris motifs. 20 Apr 2010 | 06:20 am
World of Art Award winning Danish artist Asbjorn Lonvig’s EXCLUSIVE selection of his phenomenal Paris motifs. Asbjorn Lonvig has collected inspiration: By strolling up and down the streets of Paris. B...
Art’s vital importance in communicating “unusual” corporate values 14 Jan 2010 | 10:31 am
It is the 12th time. The 12th time that I made a motif for a award winning company. The award is the Danish Industry Initiative Award 2009. The company is the Fittings Specialist in Fredericia, Den...
An Art Exhibition on a Church Tower and an Organ Concert with Beatles music. 21 Aug 2007 | 12:23 am
On 24 August 2007 during ”Hedensted by Night” artist Asbjorn Lonvig and organist Carsten Thomsen performs an ART EVENT. It starts shortly after sunset at 9.05 p.m. and it is ended by a firework at 11...
Largest Art Event Ever.. 13 Jan 2007 | 11:57 pm
By Asbjorn Lonvig A new Michelangelo has been born? A new Rembrandt? A new Van Gogh? A new Picasso? No. Larger. The internet revolutionized computer business. By accident. Art has not been re...
My User Portal Concept… 11 Dec 2006 | 11:06 pm
A user portal is a portal for one specific user, a country, a city, a municipality, a museum, a company etc. It shows and it has links to those art works that might be relevant to that specific user...
New Article: Racing Cars – The Art Dimension… 13 Nov 2006 | 08:29 am
The newly opened art museum ARoS Denmark presents a large, artistic total installation on Formula One and Le Mans racing cars. With this world premiere of the unique meeting between art and racing car...
Fairy Tales in a new Medium – Fairy Tale Posters… 31 May 2006 | 05:50 pm
The concept is quite simple. One language at a time. One main fairy tale character. The text of the fairy tale with illustrations. That’s it. The Fairy Tale Poster lives side by side with the int...
Digital Prints on Canvas??? 25 May 2006 | 12:57 am
I would like to ask your opinion. Once an art work has been digitized you can print it. Usually you print on paper. Or cloth. Or plastic. Or…. On this huge printer I can print in nearly any size...
New Article: Huge sculptures in spectacular places – How? 3 Apr 2006 | 11:12 pm
A member of a council of commerce asked me to design a motif for plastic bags. The intention was do promote the city. To visualize the city. At the same time a major motor way was under constructio...
New Article: A National Gallery, a Dutchman called Rembrandt and HIGHLIGHTS 28 Feb 2006 | 01:09 am
A few years ago I rushed out of a room in Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy. Gesticulating to my family, there are three Rembrandts – hanging side by side inside that room!! Come, come, come. “Who is...