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Andainya esok.. 25 Jul 2008 | 08:57 am
Kalau esok, orang yang anda sayang.. BISU. Apa yang anda hendak dia UCAPkan? Kalau esok, orang yang anda sayang.. PEKAK. Apa yang anda hendak dia DENGARkan? Kalau esok, orang yang anda sayang.. BUTA...
Semester 6, July 2008 24 Jul 2008 | 06:26 am
I'm in new semester, 3 more sem to go! Hooyeh! In this new semester, I'm already registered:- - Software Project Management (major subject for Bach. IT, Software Engineering) - Internet Programming ...
Hati.. 20 Jul 2008 | 06:44 am
Aku mempunyai sepasang mata.. tapi, aku tak dapat melihatmu sepanjang masaku. Aku mempunyai sepasang telinga.. tapi, aku tak dapat mendengar suaramu setiap waktuku.. Akan tetapi, aku hanya mempuny...
Aku setia.. 19 Jul 2008 | 12:01 pm
Kenapa cinta kamu tak setia? Sedangkan aku gila menyintaimu seluruh jiwaku. Hingga kini dirimu masih di dalam benak hatiku, gila.. biar sudah berbulan kau tinggalkan aku, kini kau bersama yang lebih ...
Debate - Anwar vs Shabery (15 July 2008) 17 Jul 2008 | 12:44 am
The historic debate between Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (DSAI) and Information Minister, Shabery Cheek (SC). That were held last night, 9pm. video 1 of 8 video 2 of 8 video 3 of 8 video 4 of 8 video...
Ever think to be a cannibal? 12 Jul 2008 | 06:21 am
Have you ever cross your mind to be a cannibal? Well, I do. If I could, I love have a set of my rival or even you that reading my blog now it must be tastier to chew one part of the your bodies. Licki...
Exam week is coming.. 2 Jul 2008 | 09:51 pm
My exam is coming this July. 2 days consist of 2 papers will be taking soon. Software Quality on the 7th and Software Engineering on the 11th. Wish me luck, ok. Thank you. Happy examination days for ...
My lovely love.. 24 Jun 2008 | 09:01 am
No else, no others.. but these, the only.. my only one..
I wish.. 23 Jun 2008 | 07:56 am
Wahai Maha Pengasih, jika sahabatku JATUH CINTA, benihkannya kepada seseorang yang melabuhkan cintanya kepadaMu. Agar bertambah kekuatanya untuk menyintaiMu. Wahai Maha Pemurah, jika sahabatku JATUH ...
My memories with you.. 21 Jun 2008 | 08:33 am
While doing my assignment, I just overheard the song from tv program of "Jangan Lupa Lirik" hosted by Aznil Haji Nawawi, that sway my feeling of my past. The song remind me about the goodness by both ...