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Allan Tarasiewicz - Not Like Any Other 11 Sep 2006 | 03:16 pm
I searched the internet looking for information on Allan Tarasiewicz so that I could attempt to create a post in his memory that would make his family smile. The one thing that kept coming into my min...
You too can own one! 26 Aug 2006 | 10:33 pm
Some things just leave me speechless. UK: 21 drawings attributed to Hitler to be auctioned Drawings made when Nazi leader was a soldier serving in Flanders during World War; auctioneers say some cou...
The "Human Rights Watch" Watch, Installment 1 26 Aug 2006 | 04:23 am
This is an excellent piece written by Allen Dershowitz. The opening paragraph: "Who will guard the guardians?" asked Roman satirist Juvenal. Now we must ask, who is watching Human Rights Watch, one o...
All your fakes are belong to us 25 Aug 2006 | 05:21 am
Pretty cool comment on the latest fauxtagraphy scandles, starring Green Helmet and Flat Fatima. Not to be missed.
The Red Cross Ambulance Incident 25 Aug 2006 | 05:08 am
How the Media Legitimized an Anti-Israel Hoax and Changed the Course of a War Ok, this is pretty long. Follow the link above but try not to look at how far away the bottom of the page is from the top...
The sky didn't fall! 23 Aug 2006 | 10:23 pm
We're all still standing!! That's the good news. The bad news is that Amnesty International is accusing Israel of war crimes. So what else is new? Amnesty: Israel deliberately hit civilian targets R...
It's 3:00 PM 23 Aug 2006 | 12:07 am
And all is well. No sign of Armageddon (yet).
The Sky is Falling! 22 Aug 2006 | 04:33 am
Today might be our last full day on this earth. Tomorrow is August 22 and, according to Muslim legend, might have a great significance for us this year. What is the significance of Aug. 22? This year...
Cartoon of the Day 21 Aug 2006 | 05:57 pm
Today's cartoon comes from Cox & Forkum. I've also included a quote from their explanation of the cartoon, via the Boston Herald, in an article entitled "With doublespeaking French, honor gets lost i...
Iran military training plane crash 20 Aug 2006 | 07:12 pm
Iran has been flexing her military muscles of late, showing the world her military strength and holding training exercises that started Saturday and could run for as long as five weeks. Ataollah Saleh...