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Difficult Decisions Must Be Taken 2 May 2012 | 12:26 pm
After seeing the development of this blog in because a lot of postings that violate adsense TOS and the many posts that violate the copyright and therefore I take a very serious decision that removes....
Difficult Decisions Must Be Taken 2 May 2012 | 08:26 am
After seeing the development of this blog in because a lot of postings that violate adsense TOS and the many posts that violate the copyright and therefore I take a very serious decision that removes....
New Post After a Long Vacuum Blogging 1 May 2012 | 09:28 pm
Hi all , this is new post after a long vacuum blogging, because so I had plenty of vacuum from the world of blogging and just write a piece said to come back again and exist to share to everyone... [...
New Post After a Long Vacuum Blogging 1 May 2012 | 05:28 pm
Hi all , this is new post after a long vacuum blogging, because so I had plenty of vacuum from the world of blogging and just write a piece said to come back again and exist to share to everyone... [...
Cheat PB 31 Desember 2011 Update Cheat Point Blank Wallhack + Replace 31122011 Terbaru 4 Jan 2012 | 12:57 am
Cheat PB 31 Desember 2011 Update Cheat Point Blank Wallhack + Replace 31122011 Terbaru - lampeace akan Update Cheat Point Blank Terbaru 31 Desember 2011. Cheat Point Blank 31 Desember 2011 31122011......
Android vs iPhone 4S: Mana Yang Terbaik Bagi Anda! 4 Jan 2012 | 12:43 am
Permintaan yang luar biasa untuk iPhone 4S dimengerti, mengingat banyak-bicara-tentang Siri , serta perangkat lebih cepat prosesor dual-core dan fantastis 8-megapiksel kamera. Tapi hari ini atas... [...
Cheat PB 31 Desember 2011 Update Cheat Point Blank Wallhack + Replace 31122011 Terbaru 3 Jan 2012 | 07:57 pm
Cheat PB 31 Desember 2011 Update Cheat Point Blank Wallhack + Replace 31122011 Terbaru - lampeace akan Update Cheat Point Blank Terbaru 31 Desember 2011. Cheat Point Blank 31 Desember 2011 31122011......
Android vs iPhone 4S: Mana Yang Terbaik Bagi Anda! 3 Jan 2012 | 07:43 pm
Permintaan yang luar biasa untuk iPhone 4S dimengerti, mengingat banyak-bicara-tentang Siri , serta perangkat lebih cepat prosesor dual-core dan fantastis 8-megapiksel kamera. Tapi hari ini atas... [...
Asal Usul jarum jam berputar dari kanan kekiri..!! 21 Dec 2011 | 04:19 pm
Pada jaman dulu jam adalah benda mewah yang hanya bisa dimiliki oleh orang-orang "ber uang", bentuknya pun masih berukuran besar. Tapi kini jam telah menjadi perlengkapan yang wajib dimiliki,... [[ T...
25 Kasus-kasus Gila di Dunia 21 Dec 2011 | 04:19 pm
1. Seorang wanita dari tenesse yg kesal setelah memergoki suaminya tertidur dengan rokok ditangannya masih menyala sehingga melubangi kasurnya, meninggalkan sebatang rokok yg juga masih menyala di... ...