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5 Things Your Caterer Won’t Tell You 13 Mar 2007 | 04:04 am

1. “WE RELY ON THE ‘FULLPLATE’ THEORY” It’s your firstborn’s wedding, and you want to lay it on in style. You’ve picked the venue and called the whole town. Now, it’s time to live out your food fanta...

Five Things Your Cellphone Operator Won’t Tell You 1 Sep 2006 | 03:54 pm

1. THE MORE FRIENDS YOU HAVE, THE BETTER WE LIKE IT You know those silly jokes or mushy friendship day messages you keep getting on your phone, which you then forward to all your friends and contacts...

Five Things A Forensic Expert Won’t Tell You 2 Aug 2006 | 05:12 pm

1. WE CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE Disasters like the train blasts of last week brought to the fore an otherwise marginalised group of experts—the forensic scientists. It is this group that collects the relia...

Five Things Your Supermarket Won’t Tell You 30 Jul 2006 | 07:03 pm

1. WE KNOW HOW REPRESSED YOU ARE Remember the days when you went shopping to your local grocer and depended on him to tell you what to buy, or what the best prices were? You were sort of at his mercy...

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