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How Christ transformed my life? 19 Aug 2013 | 09:56 am

WARNING:  If you know you will feel annoyed reading things related to Christ, please DO NOT continue reading.  Thank you. So yeah, I didn't want to document this on my blog but as I was doing my dai....

Getaway to Avillion, Port Dickson 17 Aug 2013 | 09:51 pm

Such a wonderful Saturday night chilling on the couch listening to soft songs, reading His word and blogging this post.  #selfheal #blissful (hashtags are annoying but I still use them) Btw, I think....

Story of a FAT girl. 14 Aug 2013 | 07:14 pm

I posted on Facebook saying that a post that I've been preparing will be up soon but unfortunately this is NOT that post. Hahaha. I didn't plan to do a post like this but today after gym it just hit m...

High Tea @ ONESIXFIVE, Intercontinental Hotel 7 Aug 2013 | 09:49 am

Its the 7th of August already.  Time is really slipping off too fast - today is my 20th day reading The Purpose Driven Life - half way there in discovering my purpose in this life and I just couldn't ...

21st birthday party 1 Aug 2013 | 07:45 am

I was actually in the midst of clearing up some of my draft but guess what, I found this series of photos  that has been arranged properly in this blog draft!  Its been a year can you believe that?  I...

Gents night out @ Jarrod and Rawlins 27 Jul 2013 | 06:06 pm

I've like so many post to blog about and finally!!!!! I can't believe I finally sorted out every picture from the phone to the computer, from the files to iPhoto, then drag it out and move it to trash...

Carlsberg Wheres the Party? 22 Jul 2013 | 11:53 am

Hey loves finally back to this space again. I have so many things to blog about but let's start from the overdue party last month.  Its been too long since I last party what more a RAVE PARTY.  You ki...

22 years of my life. 14 Jul 2013 | 07:03 pm

A new season has begin, a season to focus on the greater purpose of my life. No one is perfect, but God is Holy, so we have to do our best to learn the value of Christ. Be forgiving, be kind, have a ...

1020 days. 9 Jul 2013 | 09:06 am

Such a beautiful cold morning to sleep in, but here I am, trying to turn my feelings and emotions into words because it is something I do not want to forget for the rest of my life. 或许有人会明白,或许有人不会,我也...

Avene Beauty Workshop x Vanity Trove 8 Jul 2013 | 08:57 pm

I have too many things to blog about. Thoughts, events, birthday parties, church values, etc etc. Guess I will just take my own sweet time to complete every post, because too many drastic changes i....

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back to back, blog awards, adele, misterpotato,, spore blog awards, im am nubeadele, ze ze brothers, jolychou@hotmail, tiger running iphone

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