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Songs I get stuck in my Head Volume 1. 1 Nov 2012 | 09:35 pm
So here we go folks, a new type of post. It's a another music thing, but I'll do it anyway. This song is one that plays at work alot, I've heard it in movies, in my car...everywhere and ultimately it...
Songs I get stuck in my Head Volume 1. 1 Nov 2012 | 09:35 pm
So here we go folks, a new type of post. It's a another music thing, but I'll do it anyway. This song is one that plays at work alot, I've heard it in movies, in my car...everywhere and ultimately it...
Salute Your Shorts 31 Oct 2012 | 09:38 pm
Donkeylypse...yes it has a good ring to it doesn't it Subscribe to Almost Incoherent Ramblings of a Twenty-something by Email
Salute Your Shorts 31 Oct 2012 | 09:38 pm
Donkeylypse...yes it has a good ring to it doesn't it Subscribe to Almost Incoherent Ramblings of a Twenty-something by Email
My Musical Tastes 11 Oct 2012 | 05:35 am
What is this? Me blogging? Why, yes. I am. I have been listening to different kinds of music lately, and had the realization that I'm going soft. I don't particularly see this as a negative thing, bu...
My Musical Tastes 11 Oct 2012 | 05:35 am
What is this? Me blogging? Why, yes. I am. I have been listening to different kinds of music lately, and had the realization that I'm going soft. I don't particularly see this as a negative thing, bu...
Happy Birthday Princess! 22 Jun 2012 | 12:40 am
So a while back I got lucky enough to meet a wonderful man with an equally wonderful little girl. I have fallen head over heels for both of them. After having two sons of my own, I never realized how ...
Happy Birthday Princess! 21 Jun 2012 | 09:40 pm
So a while back I got lucky enough to meet a wonderful man with an equally wonderful little girl. I have fallen head over heels for both of them. After having two sons of my own, I never realized how ...
Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) 16 May 2012 | 03:10 am
A classic horror movie, not to mention, a young Johnny Depp, you can't possibly go wrong. The cause of many bad dreams for so many 80s kids... Ahh the memories of crawling into my Mom's bed and star...
Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) 15 May 2012 | 08:10 pm
A classic horror movie, not to mention, a young Johnny Depp, you can't possibly go wrong. The cause of many bad dreams for so many 80s kids... Ahh the memories of crawling into my Mom's bed and star...