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this is how i feel 29 Jul 2011 | 03:46 am
you want me to post something new right? this is the only thing that play on my mind. i wish you were near to me . i wish u kiss my big forhead bfore i go sleep. i wish i can hear you voice.. by.. i j...
i lost you 14 Apr 2011 | 02:23 am
it is your period . you walked in to the class even always a little bit late . we all start to smile . you opened your mouth . you can heard the laughter from us . every single words get out from your...
what if i ... 15 Mar 2011 | 02:00 am
what if i die tomorrow ? what if i cant open my eyes when i want to wake up ? what if my view become dark and obscure ? can i see my mother' face ? can i hug my mom again ? can i kiss her cheek as i....
maafkan aming 10 Mar 2011 | 03:35 am
actually tak ada niat apa apa pun nak update pasal nih . aming tak ada niat langsung nak sakit kan hati sapa sapa . tak ada niat pun nak buat readers jealous pon . aming dah lama pendam perasaan aming...
minimalist VS maximalist 7 Mar 2011 | 10:16 pm
peeps . i just wanna ask you which one do you prefer or so anybody please tell meat the chat box or comments okay <3 toodles ! XOXO p/s : FYI cikgu saya kentut busuk
30th 6 Mar 2011 | 01:58 am
happy 30th day for being my guardian angel ! luckily i got u first before him . i mean that boy who admire you thank you for always be beside me ASK aku sayang kamu toodles ! xoxo p/s : aming...
different but same 2 Feb 2011 | 05:09 am
dia cakap dia suka tengok aming senyum . aming cakap aming tak suka aming senyum . sebab muka nampak ntah apa apa dia cakap dia bukan seorang designer yang minimalis . aming cakap aming seorang yang ....
AF27J 1 Feb 2011 | 02:17 am
im so grateful when there is someone still love me . aming beruntung dapat kenal dengan dia . time aming depress or sedih , nasib baik dia ada temankan aming . you know , dia sanggup tunggu aming sela...
kawaii 27 Jan 2011 | 02:43 am
♥ TAEMIN ♥ ♥ YOSEOB ♥ right now . i feel "arggghhhhh ! fuc* fuc* ! why they are so kawaii !!" buat masa sekarang aming macam addicted to both of them . can i be like her ? eh him lah ! why they l...
one in a million 26 Jan 2011 | 11:51 pm
nampak tak gambar-gambar semua tu ? tu la yang kita orang panggil KAWAN . i know what, i think im lucky enough to have them as my friends, who are always support me and give me courage to be me . nasi...