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REDIRECT TO ADSENTRA [SOLVED] 5 Mar 2013 | 10:30 pm
Berawal dari informasi teman yang akses ke blog ini... Teman : "bro bloglu udah mati?" Tuink: "blom lah....cuma ga di update aja kok...." Teman: "kok ga bisa diakses...malah tulisannya adsentra...?...
REDIRECT TO ADSENTRA [SOLVED] 5 Mar 2013 | 10:30 pm
Berawal dari informasi teman yang akses ke blog ini... Teman : "bro bloglu udah mati?" Tuink: "blom lah....cuma ga di update aja kok...." Teman: "kok ga bisa diakses...malah tulisannya adsentra...?...
Tak Bisa Rela 7 Feb 2010 | 05:28 am
Sekian waktu berselang sejak kejadian itu. Banyak waktu kuhabiskan hanya untuk mengalihkan pikiranku. Apakah kau kejam? Atau aku yg bodoh? Ataukah semua sudah digariskan? Bisakah terulang lagi. ...
Tak Bisa Rela 7 Feb 2010 | 12:28 am
Sekian waktu berselang sejak kejadian itu. Banyak waktu kuhabiskan hanya untuk mengalihkan pikiranku. Apakah kau kejam? Atau aku yg bodoh? Ataukah semua sudah digariskan? Bisakah terulang lagi. ...
Dibuang ama google 18 May 2009 | 07:57 am
Setelah ga blogging beberapa lama bukan beberapa lama... tapi lamaaaaaa bangeeeeetdsz) hari ini saya coba liat-liat lagi blog saya... hehehehe di hajar abis-abisan euy... 2 blogspot PR-2 SEO tuink...
Dibuang ama google 18 May 2009 | 03:57 am
Setelah ga blogging beberapa lama bukan beberapa lama... tapi lamaaaaaa bangeeeeetdsz) hari ini saya coba liat-liat lagi blog saya... hehehehe di hajar abis-abisan euy... 2 blogspot PR-2 SEO tuink...
search for the answer to your hosting 18 Apr 2009 | 06:51 am
Do you feel confused search for the answer to your hosting. Try to come to web hosting, and then you will be in a website that provides the option of hosting that is in separate classes in some of t...
search for the answer to your hosting 18 Apr 2009 | 02:51 am
Do you feel confused search for the answer to your hosting. Try to come to web hosting, and then you will be in a website that provides the option of hosting that is in separate classes in some of t...
boost your sales 23 Mar 2009 | 06:26 am
Do you feel that your endeavor to promote your company does not show satisfactory results? You have done all kinds of ways but it still does not work out the maximum. What the campaign or that you do ...
boost your sales 23 Mar 2009 | 02:26 am
Do you feel that your endeavor to promote your company does not show satisfactory results? You have done all kinds of ways but it still does not work out the maximum. What the campaign or that you do ...