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We Got You're BACKkkkkkK!K!!K!K!K!KK!K!K!K!K!KK!K!K!!!!!! 5 May 2013 | 03:03 am

Did yous really think we would abandon all those whom we love? No way hoezay! With all the smelly excretions being unleased by the art dog elitists how could we stay away. Some News Virgil Marti is ...

Adam Parker Smith, or is it Adam Smith Parker, or Hamilton Smith Parker...? 30 Mar 2013 | 12:36 am

This cracks us the fuck up!!!! YIPPEE!!!!! Dhaaahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!! Only a fillytowne boy - shake, shake, shaking our heads. First off we can't stand 3-namers, and especially when they are...

"Help One Human!!!" YIPPEE!!!! 25 Mar 2013 | 04:42 pm

Even though there is so much shit to focus on like the not so young Henny Youngman suing, yes, in court, a fellow artist, for sampling his voice. Then there's the other made up child art star original...

But H+H, I learned that in art school!!!! Whaaaaaa!!!! 24 Mar 2013 | 05:03 pm

Gawd we are so sick of seeing these art fools who produce facsimiles of their own work year after year, often times for their entire time on this planet!!!! WTF YO!!!!! You are boring the living shit ...

THE ART OF BUTT RIDING! YIPPEE!!!!! 21 Mar 2013 | 04:16 pm

Yous heard of "The Art of Motorcycle Riding", well this here is our version of the same philosofee, only deeper!!!!! Umpf, Bang, Boff!!!!! We were going to give yous the blow by blow of how to bang du...

Let's Talk About Death! YIPPEE!!!!! 18 Mar 2013 | 02:44 am

As we view the art landscape we see a hole lot of stupid art. A coupla a years ago we penned this work as Arrested Developmentalism. We notice that in the real world there is sickness and death all ar...

The Verititties of the Oranists!!!The Turdptitude!!! YIPPEE!!!! 12 Mar 2013 | 07:23 pm

Can yous believe some ciphers have accused us of cacagraphy, or is it cacography?!?!?! Sure we love words and have invented our very own Banglish languish. But for these paludal, hirsute, philly peopl...

We Have PROGRESS To Report!!! 11 Mar 2013 | 03:32 pm

For many a year we have axed the question "why do you have to wait for an artist to have a show in a swank gallery to review them which means you are only talking about artists that have 'made it' on ...

Loveeeeee loveeeeee lovvvveeeee!!!! Dumb da da dumb. 9 Mar 2013 | 09:39 pm

Since day one our main message has been L-O-V-E, YIPPEE!!!!! In some case we have resoretitted to tough love but everu grown-up knows that has to be employed when dealing wit art-tards. And boyz, are...

YIPPEE!!!! Everybody Can Do "Pay-To-Play"!!!! 5 Mar 2013 | 09:11 pm

Oh boyz, here we go again. These local Necturd Corp blogghers go really give the MoMA the big suck. We have to wonder if it's all the money they are getting from a series of display ads pun on the cri...

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artblahg, way to go andy, artblerg, steve sidsack, dan murphy / anthony smyrski (aka megawords), artblahg "step up", artblahg "banner ads", "banner ads" artblahg, artblahg "do the work", where does a disclaimer go

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