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Untitled 26 Aug 2013 | 06:35 pm
Snowy Owl, Surprise at Midnight Oil on 430x360x2mm board This painting always makes me smile, don't you think it has quite a surprised expression? I liked it so I didn't change it... Visit my compl....
It has been a while... 25 Aug 2013 | 10:27 pm
Oh my, it has been a long time since my last post. July and August are always the months during which I prepare the garden for summer (I am in the Southern Hemisphere) The garden has to be tidied up a...
Untitled 14 Jul 2013 | 10:53 am
Queen Anne's Lace, c AngeliqueSZ, 2013 Oil on 210 x 300 mm on hardboard For sale Queen Anne's Lace, or Daucus Carota, a wildflower that always fascinated me, growing profusely in summer it is one o...
Roses, Pink and Beautiful, 2013 7 Jul 2013 | 05:21 pm
Roses, Pink and Beautiful, c AngeliqueSZ 2013 Oil on board, about 750 x 750 mm The flowers are done with a palette knife the background brushed, multiple glazes I am ...
Roses and Baby Breath's (Gyposphila) 2013 5 Jul 2013 | 12:23 pm
Roses and Baby Breath's (Gypsophila), 2013 Acrylic on 300 x 300 x 38 mm boxed canvas, ready to hang as is As always my artwork is inspired by my own surrounding, vintage, cottage, country shabby chic...
Untitled 29 Jun 2013 | 09:41 am
E Evening Sky over Field of Lavender 30 x 40 cm Oil on board With my oil paintings I very much draw inspiration from Monet, who has always been my favourite painter. My children still remember the....
Cerise Roses 22 Jun 2013 | 08:00 pm
Cerise Roses, c Angelique S-Z, 2013 Acrylic on texture W: 710mm x H: 710mm x D: 38mm W: 28" x H: 28" x D: 1" A beautiful earthen vase with roses, a delight to look at... Visit my complete gallery...
Winter Roses 21 Jun 2013 | 04:00 am
Winter Roses, c 2013, Angelique S-Z Acrylic on boxed canvas W: 510mm x H: 510mm x D: 38mm W: 20" x H: 20" x D: 1" Beautiful bunch of dark red roses on a brownish background, a bit of spattering ad...
Red Tulips in Earthenware 20 Jun 2013 | 04:00 am
Red Tulips in Earthenware, c Angelique S-Z, 2013 Acrylic W: 510mm x H: 510mm x D: 38mm W: 20" x H: 20" x D: 1" Painted over heavy texture A comment to this painting was that it looks as if it has ...
Just Roses... 19 Jun 2013 | 08:18 pm
Acrylic on deep box W: 350mm x H: 460mm x D: 38mm W: 14" x H: 18" x D: 1" Like most women I looove roses and peonies so it is no surprise that I am always coming back to paint this subject. This p...