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Intel Visibly Smart - Jogja Hip Hop Foundation 10 Jan 2012 | 11:55 pm
Originally I am from Jogja, where I spent my childhood. Jogjakarta is a province of Republic of Indonesia, located in southern Central Java, famous as the city of students and artworkers. What I love ...
Intel Visibly Smart - Jogja Hip Hop Foundation 10 Jan 2012 | 06:55 pm
Originally I am from Jogja, where I spent my childhood. Jogjakarta is a province of Republic of Indonesia, located in southern Central Java, famous as the city of students and artworkers. What I love ...
Bangsa Indonesia memang bukan Winnie the Pooh cs. 3 Mar 2009 | 03:51 pm
Ya jelas bukan! Judul yang aneh dengan negasi yang sekenanya! Tapi memang itulah yang terlintas di benakku ketika tiba-tiba aku menyadari bahwa semakin banyak merchandise Pooh di rumahku semenjak si ...
Bangsa Indonesia memang bukan Winnie the Pooh cs. 3 Mar 2009 | 10:51 am
Ya jelas bukan! Judul yang aneh dengan negasi yang sekenanya! Tapi memang itulah yang terlintas di benakku ketika tiba-tiba aku menyadari bahwa semakin banyak merchandise Pooh di rumahku semenjak si ...
Eco-friendly idea from black-out time 10 Jan 2009 | 02:41 am
In the middle of the energy crisis issues, exploring on sustainable resources has become a rush. Fossils oil will vanish someday as we are exploiting the resources day by day exponentially. If we mere...
Eco-friendly idea from black-out time 9 Jan 2009 | 09:41 pm
In the middle of the energy crisis issues, exploring on sustainable resources has become a rush. Fossils oil will vanish someday as we are exploiting the resources day by day exponentially. If we mere...
If the tree could scream... 8 Oct 2008 | 11:53 pm
Message from nature - "The power of capitalism" Originally uploaded by BornJavanese You may see the beauty of the image. However, the beauty comes out from the scream of nature, which can do nothing b...
If the tree could scream... 8 Oct 2008 | 07:53 pm
Message from nature - "The power of capitalism" Originally uploaded by BornJavanese You may see the beauty of the image. However, the beauty comes out from the scream of nature, which can do nothing b...
Imagine you can't make this one! 22 Jul 2008 | 03:05 pm
Oxidation-Energy, originally uploaded by BornJavanese. All peoples in the world come into a crisis: fossil oil, which has been so expensive that many demos spread all over countries. The crisis of en...
Imagine you can't make this one! 22 Jul 2008 | 11:05 am
Oxidation-Energy, originally uploaded by BornJavanese. All peoples in the world come into a crisis: fossil oil, which has been so expensive that many demos spread all over countries. The crisis of en...