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Untitled 3 Nov 2010 | 01:44 am
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Multi Functions Slimming Pants (Black/Beige) 25 Sep 2010 | 08:05 pm
Body Make Cami 16 Sep 2010 | 07:57 pm
- Science for Beauty, hot selling in Japan- very good quality, good in beautifying body line and waist line and can flatten stomach too- can just wear this alone or wear as inner clothes- trendy desig...
Bust Beauty Flat Stomach Neck Halter Suit 美胸平腹小可愛(繞頸晚宴款) 6 Feb 2010 | 04:49 am
~ Sexy & body shaping at the same time ~ Can wear as inner clothes, or just wear as outter clothes ~ 1 standard size : M~L (79cm~94cm) ~ Main material: 90% NYLON + 10% SPANDEX ~ This is simple pla...
出口日本鍺鈦銀機能型窈窕平腹衣-超薄款 Attaka Shape Inner (Black) 18 Jan 2010 | 02:21 am
Brand New Push Up Lifts Busts Flattens Tummy/Tighten Stomach Tucks Waist In Bye Bye Arms Slimming Now you can enjoy slimming down anytime everywhere ~All day firm body bust up control. Seamless design...
Body Make Cami 11 Jan 2010 | 09:30 pm
- Science for Beauty, hot selling in Japan - very good quality, good in beautifying body line and waist line and can flatten stomach too - can just wear this alone or wear as inner clothes - trendy de...
優雅姿勢背部線條挺直美體衣 NEW Back Supporter 5 Jan 2010 | 03:10 am
* Shoulder width 35-45cm * Helps building correct chest posture, no more humpbacked * Don't wear it while sleeping, don't wear it if u have backache * Comfy and flexible, can adjust tightness and loos...
Untitled 4 Jan 2010 | 07:12 pm
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Platinum薄款三段式集中翘臀瘦腿九分裤 NEW Sleeping Shaping Pants (Thinner Material)(黑M~L) 8 Dec 2009 | 11:31 pm
日杂推荐-集中翘臀瘦腿九分裤 薄款 日本鶴岡株式會社出品。 「Platinum配合夜晚集中三段式著壓美腿褲(黑M~L)」,從小腹開始到膝蓋,三段式(強中弱)著壓式編織法,夜間集中修飾臀部及大腿,翌日穿著窄裙、牛仔褲更加有形! 心情故事:强烈推荐的一款哦~这个真是超赞的东东哦,猫猫自己也穿着呢,别看它皱巴巴的样子其貌不扬,穿的时候也挺费劲,但穿上后一点也不紧绷,一点也不觉得勒紧和难受,本来穿29码的...
鈦矽功能丝~byebye 大屁股美体五分裤 5 Dec 2009 | 03:46 am
功 能: 1、 腰围立即减少3─6公分。 2、 平衡背部脂肪 3、 修正三段腰及圆筒腰。 4、 将脂肪由垂直改为平行。 5、 托胸、瘦腰、提臀,塑造完美臀型。 6、 可以调整背部脂肪. 7、 有效改善胃部及腰腹部脂肪。 特色: 1、多片立体剪裁--符合人体工学设计,依据人 体脂肪生长方向给予不同的压力,让束裤穿 着舒适自然,塑造浑圆上翘性感臀形。 2、大腿内外侧为加压设计--有效收纳大腿内外 侧脂...