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Review photobook shu's engagement.... 15 May 2012 | 04:31 pm
salam sume... first of all, nk mintak maaf kt shu shinju...sorry sgt2 ye, shu...da jnji lama nk review photobook arini bole review...skang ni, agak2 bz...maklumlah da nk blk...kena beljar su...
BERUBAH 14 May 2012 | 06:05 am
(Reen Rahim) Berikan ku waktu untuk bersamamu Meniti hari… (Erry Putra) Tak puas bagiku Dan kau pun berlalu Tinggal ku sendiri… Gelap seluruh jiwaku.. {hooo…} (Reen) Ku ingin benar bersama deng...
Ada apa ngan B.E.R.S.I.H.... 28 Apr 2012 | 06:24 am
haishhh....nape sgt2 ekstrem nii...nape perlu buang masa wat demo sana sini.... jom kite bersihkan umah...bersihkan hati...bersihkan mana2 yang kotor...lg bagus dr berpanas2 dlm kelompok org ramai......
tulip farm second part 27 Apr 2012 | 11:44 am
Ho laaa..... Aritu da tgk gambar bunga kannn....arini, jom layan gambo tuan tanah ngan bunga pulak...btw, gambo2 bunga aritu, di capture sendiri oleh tuan blog, ye sy budak br beljar...kalo salah tol...
teaser: TULIP FARM.... 24 Apr 2012 | 11:45 am
Morning!!! jom jamu mata tgk bunga tulip..yg colorful dan, sayng takde bau... cntik kannn...geram tgk...rasa nk guling2 ats bunga arini....nnti, sy upload gambo tulip n tua...
5 years... 21 Apr 2012 | 08:03 am
huh...finally, its was very hectic week...with all the extra workloads....but, still we dont have the solution to resolve all the issue...and, next week, there will be our silicon coming i...
happy birthday untuk mama... 9 Apr 2012 | 04:44 pm
arini, aku call mama....aku happy dpt dgr suara mama...mama ceria je...walaupun, dalam hati mama, aku tahu betapa hatinya tak seceria suaranye...byknye masalah yang dihadapi, mama sentiasa c...
Glad you come 7 Apr 2012 | 09:27 am
The sun goes down The stars come out And all that counts Is here and now My universe will never be the same I'm glad you came You cast a spell on me, spell on me You hit me like the sky fell on me, f...
para para sakura at portland 4 Apr 2012 | 04:26 pm
salam korang... first time tgk sakura mmg sgt2 excited...sanggup dibasahi air hujan...its not only raining but ...sejuk giler...nasib baik bw glove sbb tahu jaket yg dipakai tak dapat nak menahan ras...
MIRROR..MIRROR..on the wall!!! 3 Apr 2012 | 12:00 pm
Morning korang... korang da tgk mirror mirror ke belumm.....sape2 yg tak tgk lagi, sgt2 recommended by me...hehehe....for me, sgt2 best...i enjoy the movie every seconds, every minutes..takde masa nk...