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Writing Successful Applications 16 Aug 2013 | 09:15 pm
I've posted another entry to the Noble Applications Blog. I present some thoughts on why software projects often fail and what I think the root cause is. Give it a read, give me some feedback... ht...
Love Apple 9 Jul 2013 | 01:49 am
I'm now blogging for my new company, Noble Applications. I'll try to post links to my articles for them here so you can stay current. I Love Apple Yes, that is the title of my post. Yes, you shoul...
A new position 29 Jun 2013 | 04:50 am
I don't usually post much on my blog about my work status. Heck, I don't usually post much on my blog. However, I think its prudent to say this announcement is blog worthy, since it should allow me ...
Scala And Android Were Made For Each Other, Part 2 16 Dec 2012 | 04:50 am
This is the second in a 2 part post. To read the first post, Click Here. Now that we've gone over the Service in our application, lets review the Activity. Just in case you haven't read part 1, her...
Scala And Android Were Made For Each Other, Part 2 16 Dec 2012 | 04:50 am
This is the second in a 2 part post. To read the first post, Click Here. Now that we've gone over the Service in our application, lets review the Activity. Just in case you haven't read part 1, her...
Scala And Android Were Made For Each Other 8 Dec 2012 | 08:50 pm
I've been experimenting with Scala for a while now, and the more I use it, the more I like it. Scala isn't exactly what I would call an approachable language, but if you are familiar with Java or C# ...
Scala And Android Were Made For Each Other 8 Dec 2012 | 08:50 pm
I've been experimenting with Scala for a while now, and the more I use it, the more I like it. Scala isn't exactly what I would call an approachable language, but if you are familiar with Java or C# ...
Learn C Chapter 22 Flashcards 26 Aug 2012 | 06:07 am
I'm currently slowly going through Zed Shaw's "Learn C The Hard Way". In chapter 22, he instructs you to make flashcards of the C data types and flow control structures. Seeing as how C syntax is re...
Learn C Chapter 22 Flashcards 26 Aug 2012 | 06:07 am
I'm currently slowly going through Zed Shaw's "Learn C The Hard Way". In chapter 22, he instructs you to make flashcards of the C data types and flow control structures. Seeing as how C syntax is re...
First TMX Map rendered with TMX-S-Parser 18 Jul 2012 | 11:00 pm
Well, I've been working in my infinite spare time on a parser that will allow you to easily use Scala to render maps in the TMX Map format. The project started as a way for me to learn some more abou...