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Bête de Jour Has Written a Novel :: The Lives and Loves of Hana Lee 21 Feb 2013 | 07:59 pm
That's right, I have written a novel. It's called The Lives and Loves of Hana Lee and so far it's available on Amazon and Smashwords. I think it's very good. Other people think so too. Look, from here...
Bête de Jour :: The Intimate Adventures Of An Ugly Man 4 Jun 2010 | 11:19 pm
This is the story of Stan Cattermole, alias Bête de Jour. It starts here: The Beginning of a Great Adventure. If you don't know what happens, you should probably follow that link and read the whole th...
The Ugly Truth :: Out of the Bag 2 Jun 2010 | 01:00 am
'To call a story a true story is an insult to both art and truth.' – Vladimir Nabokov bulk :: 12st 5 age :: 42 (as of yesterday) elbows :: 2 elbows in head :: 0 regrets :: a few pretentious quotes ::...
Fantastic Voyage :: Chapter Eight :: Life Begins At 42 31 May 2010 | 11:03 pm
My mum wakes me up with a mug of tea. I’m in my old bed, in my old bedroom, on the 13th floor of a block of flats in the centre of Sunderland. Unlucky for some. It's May 31st again. I don't know wher...
Fantastic Voyage :: Chapter Seven :: The End of the Road 30 May 2010 | 07:00 pm
I hadn't been dreaming. This wasn't a soap opera. Would that it were. Would that it were. It was almost one in the morning. I looked across at the driver, at Karl with a 'K', and everything came b...
Fantastic Voyage :: Chapter Six :: Crisis 29 May 2010 | 07:00 pm
‘My name’s Carl,’ he said. ‘With a “K”.’ I took a big swig of whisky. It burned. Karl with a K was crossing his right hand across his chest for me to shake. I did so, hesitantly. ‘Nice to meet you, ...
Fantastic Voyage :: Chapter Five :: Crumbs in the Cocktail 28 May 2010 | 07:51 pm
‘I know exactly how you feel,’ said the driver as he pulled out into traffic and I huddled over his heater, thanking him profusely through teeth that were now properly chattering. It had grown pretern...
Fantastic Voyage :: Chapter Four :: Darkling 27 May 2010 | 07:00 pm
Somewhere slightly north of Ashby-de-la-Zouch I stood by the side of the road and watched the day die. It seemed like the early evening had barely got into its stride and already a Stygian gloom had ...
Fantastic Voyage :: Chapter Two :: Burkina Faso 25 May 2010 | 09:00 pm
'And this was really the way that my whole road experience began, and the things that were to come are too fantastic not to tell.' – Jack "Oh Dear" Kerouac, On the Road Well. That was interesting. ...
Fantastic Voyage :: Chapter One :: The Fantasy Element 24 May 2010 | 10:35 pm
I'm late. I should've been on the road hours ago. Years ago, by God. What have I done with my life? Oy. I couldn't get to sleep last night. I was tossing and turning. Dramatically. I kept going throu...