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Bipolar Disorder 23 May 2009 | 03:55 pm
Bipolar Disorders are medically known as depressive disorders.Depression disorders affect the persons brain functions.Depression disorders are widely prevalent in the human population in U.s alone one...
Bipolar Disorders and Depression 23 May 2009 | 03:35 pm
Bipolar Disorder symptoms do not follow a set patten.Depression does not always follow mania.A person may be in the same mood state for a variable length of time-for weeks or even months or years befo...
Mania and Hypomaia in Bipolar Disorder 23 May 2009 | 03:03 pm
Hypomania: Is less severe form of Mania.Hypomania is a mood that many do not recognize as a problem.Person affected may feel pretty good,have a greater sense of well being.In some people affected with...
Bipolar Means 25 Apr 2009 | 04:28 pm
Bipolar Disorder is a mental condition that makes you go from extremely down to extremely high without any reason. It is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. The only thing to do for it is med...