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We've Moved 5 Jun 2006 | 02:29 pm
We've moved to We'll be re-posting a lot of the previous articles that we've wrote over the coming weeks in addition to new blog tips and resources.
Moving From BlogSpot to My Own Domain 16 May 2006 | 05:20 am
I realize that at this point this blog is pretty small time but I'm hopeful that it can grow to be something significant and helpful for people. For the past few weeks I've been tossing the idea of mo...
Using Feedburner for Syndication 7 May 2006 | 02:05 am
Feedburner is a great way to syndicate your content and get more people to read what you write. Feedburner offers a bunch of different services to help you build awareness of your content, keep stats ...
Is the Rich Jerk a Scam? 25 Apr 2006 | 08:17 am
I recently purchased The Rich Jerk e-book to find out what all of the fuss was about and determine once and for all if the Rich Jerk is a scam or not. What to Expect from the Rich Jerk As the name s...
Using TrafficSwarm to Increase Your Blog's Traffic 20 Apr 2006 | 02:47 pm
TrafficSwarm is in the same vein as BlogMad and BlogExplosion. Its completely free to join and can help you as you start to build traffic to your blog. Just for signing up you'll get some free credits...
Free Blogger Templates 17 Apr 2006 | 03:20 pm
I previously posted about a few available sites with free templates for Blogger. Below is an attempt at a more complete list of free templates for use with Blogger: Thur's Templates Solucija CSS Tem...
Trying Out the Rich Jerk 15 Apr 2006 | 02:10 am
I am going to be purchasing the Rich Jerk's ebook today and will be spedning some time reading it over to determine whether or not it is a rip-off or a godsend for bloggers. I'm guessing it will fall ...
The Google Big Daddy Update's Impact to Your Blog 13 Apr 2006 | 04:21 pm
Over the coming weeks a major Google update, commonly referred to as Big Daddy, is taking place that will undoubtedly affect your blog's traffic from Google. To help explain the update I found this ar...
Increase Your Blog Traffic From Yahoo 12 Apr 2006 | 01:25 pm
Here is a unverified traffic tip for getting your blog's feed indexed by Yahoo quicker. Start a MyYahoo page. Then click the "Add Content" link in the upper left. This will take you to a screen to s...
Easy Introduction on Increasing Traffic to Your Blog 8 Apr 2006 | 06:02 am
Increasing traffic to your blog is fundamental to your blog's success on the Internet. As you'll soon find, it isn't all that hard to increase traffic to your blog, but it does take time. Post Freque...