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Marginal thinking, marginal analysis, marginal remarks 26 Aug 2013 | 02:51 pm
Last week I discussed white space, also known as negative space or air. The most obvious kind of white space in a book is its margins. A margin is the space between your text or illustrations and th...
Tiffany, Laozi and Picasso can help you make better books 24 Aug 2013 | 01:37 am
“Negative space” may sound like a “worm hole,” “alternate universe” or another strange phenomenon encountered by the crew of a star ship. Fortunately, you don’t have to understand astrophysics to unde...
I'm not feeling well, so here's a rerun: How do you start to write a book? 23 Aug 2013 | 10:46 pm
Decide on your primary objective(s): Change the world, entertain the world, educate, inform, preserve memories, personal fulfillment, fun, money, fame, status, revenge, something else. Decide on your...
Don't be embarrassed by a bad author video. Don't waste money, either. 21 Aug 2013 | 07:36 pm
Yesterday I provided more than 40 tips for authors who want to make their own book videos ("trailers") and showed an example of a pretty good one. Now it's time to learn from some bad ones. Many vide...
Book video (trailer) tips for authors 20 Aug 2013 | 06:58 pm
Many authors use promotional videos (book trailers), usually posted on YouTube. Some readers are impressed. Others never watch videos. Authors are divided about the effectiveness of videos. You can ma...
Hey -- I wish American adults would stop talking like babies, idiots, hillbillies and Brits. 19 Aug 2013 | 05:40 pm
I detest the degeneration of American English, which I frequently witness on streets, in offices, in stores and restaurants, on the phone, in classrooms, in movies and on TV. I'm particularly pissed ...
27 reasons why books don't make money 16 Aug 2013 | 05:32 pm
(From the upcoming The 100 Worst Self-Publishing Misteaks by Sheila M. Clark and me.) Each year hundreds of thousands of different book titles are published. Some sell millions of copies. Many sell t...
Pay attention to your book's back cover. You can even make a fake one for an ebook. 15 Aug 2013 | 05:24 pm
Most authors -- but not enough authors -- pay a lot of attention the front covers of their books. Every book that has a front cover also has a back cover (unless someone tore it off, or it’s an ebook...
Egomaniacs Kylee and Heather claim to be queens. I am the king! They can kiss my royal ass. 14 Aug 2013 | 03:17 pm
Years ago, "Queen for a Day" was a popular American radio and TV game show, where ordinary women competed to be treated royally. Today, there is no need to impress a studio audience, or be the daught...
This book about publishing is inaccurate, inadequate, cynical, misleading and overpriced. It's ugly, too, but don't blame the designer. Also, the corr... 13 Aug 2013 | 10:21 pm
First, the customary disclaimer: In 2009, when I published my first book about self-publishing, I initially decided that I would no longer review other books about self-publishing. A good review for a...